A deep thought of mine...
What if we are all a figment of someone's imagination, while they sleep, we are awake, while they are awake, we sleep.

War may have been dreamt of by some twisted evil person, Religion may have been dreamt of by a very deep person.

Technology, that is another confusion to this theory.
Let's use the 3DS as an example:
How could that all be possible? How can people dedicate so long? That is a question.

All this has been puzzling philosophers for thousands of years, so what do you think?

What if there really is a Creator -- but "creator" as in super-programmer?

What if the universe is just some incredibly well-programmed bunch of code? It got started up (the big bang), ran for a few billion "years", then some "artificial" intelligence was added...

(10-16-2011, 08:50 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: Similarly

What if there really is a Creator -- but "creator" as in super-programmer?

What if the universe is just some incredibly well-programmed bunch of code? It got started up (the big bang), ran for a few billion "years", then some "artificial" intelligence was added...

The Matrix much?
There's a good chance that we're living in a computer simulation that an advanced civilization programmed to simulate their ancestors, and your body is just a bunch of 0s and 1s.

Thats a very paranoid feeling, isn't it?
[Image: evil-dead-deer.gif]
(10-16-2011, 08:47 PM)Mustachio Wrote: Religion may have been dreamt of by a very deep person.

That's a bit of a generalisation, isn't it?
[Image: paperboy.PNG]
True beauty.
You have to remember that there were no such things as robots or AI back then... You can't really call Watson, IBM's Jeopardy computer, a real person.
(10-17-2011, 01:30 AM)Jacob_ Wrote: There's a good chance that we're living in a computer simulation that an advanced civilization programmed to simulate their ancestors, and your body is just a bunch of 0s and 1s.

Again, Isn't that exactly what The Matrix is?
I highly doubt that.

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