Chaos is going through-out Buildism! Wait, what? No. Not hacking!
I mean lag. Whats "Lag"? It is something that makes you stop, and go, stop, and go.
Have you noticed it inside games? Cause I know I have. Not whenever you are looking at games, or looking at the website "Buildism". Whenever enetering, staying, and inside a game!
Maybe Buildism creators should try to work on this.
Post if you agree, there is lag. And the Buildism creators must work on this..So-called "lag".
I mean lag. Whats "Lag"? It is something that makes you stop, and go, stop, and go.
Have you noticed it inside games? Cause I know I have. Not whenever you are looking at games, or looking at the website "Buildism". Whenever enetering, staying, and inside a game!
Maybe Buildism creators should try to work on this.
Post if you agree, there is lag. And the Buildism creators must work on this..So-called "lag".