New PC
Got it a few hours ago with my dad, we might bring it back if it's not very good, but it's a way better than the laptop we had, but I won't be playing any games on it, though.
[Image: 76561198037039305.png]
[Image: nmdd7o.gif]
Post the specs.
Not much of an upgrade (Downgrade for the CPU) But still better than the laptop
Has a 1.7 ghz CPU, 384 mb GPU, 4 gigs of ram along with a 64 bit OS
[Image: 76561198037039305.png]
[Image: nmdd7o.gif]
You lucky booger D:
Send it to someone like me? Big Grin I'll even pay shipping ^_^
[Image: yesssssss_zpsc49d4672.png]
We returned it, bro. There's always a bunch of deals at Fry's or Best Buy.
[Image: 76561198037039305.png]
[Image: nmdd7o.gif]
I just bought a $400 custom built computer off of craigslist toaday, Its got a 3.5 ghz dual core processor, 6 gb ram, and an nvidia 9800gtx2 with a 9600gt dedicated for physx.
You lucky punk!
I'mma gonna go cry in a corner now.
[Image: 76561198037039305.png]
[Image: nmdd7o.gif]

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