A note on Xtros
For those of you who don't know, Xtros is a website owned (I believe) by the Buildism member Sockers (Syncro there). It's got a pretty bad layout at the moment and is extremely buggy. Basically, think tGL combined with Buildism minus the fancy graphics and refined code. They also copied some of our images and our terms of service. When Jacob_ confronted them about this, his post got deleted and he got banned, and I have to say that from what little I can see, their admin Darkness was not behaving very professionally.

I talked to him in their chat about it; and we came up with a deal between the two of us. I have sent it to Jacob_; if he and Sockers/Syncro agree to it then it's official, until then it's just between me and Darkness and any of you who agree.

Darkness [Admin]: Deal
Qwertygiy: Deal?
Qwertygiy: Fine. Nobody insults anyone. We can trade ideas, if we can stand each other. And your copied content gets replaced within a month. I will run this by Jacob_, you run it by Syncro or whoever.
Qwertygiy: And also, follow your site's rules. If the rules say no swearing, don't swear. If one of the Buildism mods bypassed a filter, Jacob would ban them.
Darkness [Admin]: Deal?
Darkness [Admin]: Fine, no more insults on both sides? Both sides. And leaave eachother alone
Qwertygiy: Replace the copied text and images with your own stuff and you're fine.
Qwertygiy: You didn't just use the ideas, that's what I'm saying
Darkness [Admin]: I really couldent care
Darkness [Admin]: But the motive was all the same, I couldent care less, take my deal or leave, don't do anything or mention anything for a year then look back and see for yourself, we just used your ideas for a pushing start
Qwertygiy: Wheras you obviously, uncensored, said the big one.
Darkness [Admin]: It would be changed
Qwertygiy: When did he swear? You can't tell what he said there; he self-censored it so you can't tell what word he said. He might've meant "Darkness is a banana" for all you know.
Darkness [Admin]: Personally I diddnt, this is new, there are 10 different admins, different personalities, give us a year and it would be different
Qwertygiy: *use images from Buildism
Qwertygiy: When Buildism got accused of copying Roblox, Jacob and the other mods never banned anyone unless they broke another rule like massive swearing. We eventually proved that Buildism is not a copy of Roblox; we didn't even directly use any images from it. You, however, did.
Darkness [Admin]: You have no excuse keep your website to your self and we'll keep ours
Darkness [Admin]: "Darkness is a [ censored ] "
Darkness [Admin]: I didnt you linked things, breaking the rules, idiot, he swore first
Qwertygiy: I was trying to see the best of Xtros; Sockers seemed okay. But when we pointed out that you copied our text, you go nuts and ban us.
Qwertygiy: *You didn't just copy an idea. You copied text and images. There is a difference.
Qwertygiy: YOu didn'
Qwertygiy: This is the kind of thing that makes me think "This game will not go anywhere."
Qwertygiy: You broke your own rules.
Qwertygiy: No, it's not okay. You swore at him. And he did copyright it.
Darkness [Admin]: It's okay, Jacob was just jelly because we borrowed a idea or too.. He mad
InkSplodge: hello
TestingDude: Hi
--blank before this point

The site is down. Maybe they shut it down?
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[Image: nmdd7o.gif]

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