Guys, You got to understand I'm a new person now.
I've changed very much. It was a year ago. I'm trying to make a good fresh start again. @Who, I was annoying back then but I'm not that person anymore, I've changed. Why I got Sazahos password was because some random guy told me it. Sazaho and I are now friend. Yes I was a total retard when I logged into Sazahos account and banned ya'll but please, let me stay here and make a new fresh start. Sad

Thank you for reading this message.

(02-11-2012, 06:49 PM)Tacticon Wrote: I've changed very much. It was a year ago. I'm trying to make a good fresh start again. @Who, I was annoying back then but I'm not that person anymore, I've changed. Why I got Sazahos password was because some random guy told me it. Sazaho and I are now friend. Yes I was a total retard when I logged into Sazahos account and banned ya'll but please, let me stay here and make a new fresh start. Sad

Thank you for reading this message.



[Image: finn_flag.gif]
I know most of the community has never really liked you much; but then most of us don't like Luckyone a whole lot either and he got let back in.

I'll be waiting for Jacob_'s decision on this.
I give full support to him being allowed back, on my behalf it was technically my fault.
Thanks. Smile
I hope you are telling the truth, I guess we could use another active user :/
[Image: evil-dead-deer.gif]
Yes Who, I'm telling the truth. Smile
Ok, I trust you, wait till Jacob_ attends this matter
[Image: evil-dead-deer.gif]
Its good you trust me. Smile
I'll be looking forward excitedly what Jacob's saying to this. Smile[/size]
(02-11-2012, 06:49 PM)Tacticon Wrote: Why I got Sazahos password was because some random guy told me it.

There's no point lying about that, we all know how you got it.
[Image: paperboy.PNG]
True beauty.

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