Is it possible to attach a box to the body?
I tried using welds to attach a box to the player body but it didn't work..
(P.S. I'm making a custom tools ..)

Here's the script

local picked = true
ptool = script.Parent

function plrCollide(hit)
if hit.Parent.Type == "Character" and picked then
picked = false
local tooltobody = create("Weld")
tooltobody.Parent = ptool
tooltobody.Part1 = ptool
tooltobody.Part2 = hit
tooltobody.Anchor = hit.Position
print("Tool picked up")

link(script.Parent.Collided, plrCollide)

Second Edit:
I got the weld working but the box doesn't stay on the player, basically the box doesn't stick to the body, instead its under the body..

Third Edit:
I guess the weld here doesn't work like it does in the '3D buildism', I found out that your body just sticks to wherever you hit the part instead of where the weld anchor is.
The body is by default "locked". If you "unlock" it in Advanced Tools, you should be able to weld to it, I think. But by just scripting, by putting in the positions of the weld in the code, it shouldn't matter.
(02-27-2012, 08:58 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: The body is by default "locked". If you "unlock" it in Advanced Tools, you should be able to weld to it, I think. But by just scripting, by putting in the positions of the weld in the code, it shouldn't matter.

I tried setting the position of the weld in the code after posting, this.. still no luck..
It's been about a year since I tried anything like that; I'll check it out soon and see if I can get it to work.

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