Is there any way to prevent these bots?
They don't post on the forums, they merely comment on just about EVERYONE's user profile with random junk about profiles, pictures, and an email address -- usually it's obviously an attempt at ODing.

Is there a way to "complexify" the commenting system a tiny bit so that whatever program[s] finds the text box / submit page can't find it anymore? Hopefully something "invisible" to players, because I don't think it would be worth it to throw in a CAPTCHA.
The registration form already has a CAPTCHA, a security question and anti-bot JavaScript, so either the bots are really advanced, using a CAPTCHA outsourcing service, or they're not bots at all, but people being paid minimum wage to write spam posts.

Can you link to some of the comments? I might be able to code some sort of spam blocker based on the keywords.
I already deleted all of them via the admin page.

It's definitely not a person simply copy/pasting, it's about 1000 profiles at exactly the same moment.

I do know that they all include an email address when they do it, and I can't think of any other time someone would use the @ symbol in a comment. Maybe you could do something about that.
Comments with email addresses are now blocked.

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