Buildism - Redneck Edition
I viewed my profile in that.

That was hilarious.
"account o': 01-01-2011 20:43
Profile views: 2640
Fo'um profile: Show | PM
Cestomize Chareecker "
I think I have cancer.
[Image: yesssssss_zpsc49d4672.png]

Buildism - 50's London version
This looks so awesome... so hilarious when it comes to threads and usernames.
[Image: card.png]
Quote:Git to enny game page t'start a sarver! Fry mah hide!
[Image: 76561198037039305.png]
[Image: nmdd7o.gif]
Quote:These rules apply t'all of Buildism, dawgone it. Creatin' an account means yo' agree t'these rules, eff'n yo' does not foller them yo' will receive th' appropriate cornsequences.

Mino' Offenses - Official warnin', accumulatin' too menny warnin's = ban
Postin' In Th' Wrong Seckshun - Thar's a reason we haf fo'um catego'ies, he'p us keep ev'rythin' o'ganized! Fry mah hide!
"Spammin'" - Postin' replies o' threads thet corntribute nothin' t'th' community.
Crost Postin' - Postin' th' same message in multiple threads o' seckshuns
Bumpin' - Postin' a pointless reply (usually t'one of yer own threads) t'git it t'th' top of th' list. Postin' in old threads is fine eff'n yo' haf sumpin t'say.
Postin' threads thet is direcked at specific varmints - This hyar is whut PMs is fo'.
Not follerin' th' signature size rule. - http://buildism, dawgone'um/Thread-Noo-Sig, acco'din' t' th' code o' th' heells!..=signature
Post only in English. - Do not post in enny fo'eign o' computer languages, unless yer replyin' t'a thread aimed fo' this hyar purpose.
Don't create threads wif no discusshun value. - Eff'n yer thread has no chance of leadin' t'meanin'ful discusshun, then doesn't post it. This hyar includes most posts about ran'om stuff thet happened in real life. Eff'n yo' still be hankerin' t'post ennythin' like this, reply t'th' Chaos Thread, cuss it all t' tarnation.

Moderate Offenses - Usually punished wif a tempo'ary ban; repeated offenses = permanent ban, as enny fool kin plainly see.
Excessive/Abusive Swarin' - Th' "D, H, an' A wo'ds" is allered unless on over-used o' direcked at t'other member, but ennythin' mo'e sevahe than thet will be removed, cuss it all t' tarnation. Se'f-censo'in' like **** o' @%$# is OK, but eff'n a mod kin figger out whut th' wo'd is, an' it's inappropriate, it will be treated th' same way as eff'n yo' used th' acshul wo'd, cuss it all t' tarnation.
Do not intenshunally misspell o' use pore grammar.
Do not post enny s exual corntent.
Ahideg fo' o' providin' varmintally identifiable info'mashun - Full name, address, skoo, etc. Non-identifiable info (male/female o' th' opposite sex, etc.) is allered, cuss it all t' tarnation.
Online datin' - Makin' galfriends/fellafriends on Buildism, dawgone it. Not only is this hyar completely pointless, it kin lead t'bad situashuns.
Excessive Flamin'/Varmintal Attacks - Read this.
Plagiarism - Takin' someone else's wawk an' pretendin' yo' made itcherse'f
Do not tess th' rules. Thet includes this hyar rule.
Whut in tarnation happens outside Buildism stays thar. - Yo' kin talk about other websites, yo' kin post links t'other websites, yo' kin talk about whut yo' an' other users is doin' on other websites, but eff'n someone does sumpin bad thar, we kin't does ennythin' about it.
Don't post threads t'complain about warnin's o' other moderashun ackshuns, even eff'n they is not aginst yo'seff. - Eff'n yo' disagree wif sumpin a moderato' did, PM them about it.
No "ah's leavin'" threads. - These threads is almost allus used t'git attenshun, git sympathy, o' promote a point of view. Eff'n yer pow'ful a-gonna be unavailable, change yer status t'Away an'/o' post in th' Hi/Goo'bye Thread. Postin' one of these will git yo' banned fo' howevah long yo' claim t'be quittin' fo'.
Do not post links t'fo'um threads, blog posts, videos, o' other websites thet corntain crost-site argoomnts, trollin', o' varmintal attacks.

Sevahe Offenses - Punished wif a permanent ban in most cases
Piracy - Discussin' how t'illegally obtain games o' other media
Embeddin' o' linkin' t'shock images, po'n, o' inappropriate websites
Discussin' illegal ackivities, o' tellyng t'other member t'do sumpin illegal, ah reckon. Suicide is cornsidered an illegal ackivity.
Abusin' multiple accounts - Creatin' accounts t'git aroun' bans, o' t'bust rules while keepin' yer primary account clean, as enny fool kin plainly see. Th' mods kin tell eff'n yo' does this, an' we will ban all of yer accounts.
Do not create accounts wif proxies. - This hyar is a method thet is usually used t'bypass IP bans, o' fo' someone t'bust th' rules on an alternate account wifout havin' it traced back t'their main account.

Should "varmintal attacks" be the new official terminology?
Err... wut dod yuo say?
I 're know.

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