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Hey guys,

Last summer Buildism's activity was beyond belief compared to the activity we've recently been through. I'm excited and expecting a lot more activity this summer now that school is over. This summer as a team we will plan a ton of events for you guys giving you guys a whole new experience while on our site. The creator is currently making a sister game that's in the process of being programed, it involves ZOMBIES! Who doesn't love shooting off a zombies head with a cool gun? It's like a win on top of a win.

To kick off summer 2012 on Buildism I'm going to host a contest! The theme for this contest is going to be to Build a Buildism park! Be creative add slides, swings, my favorite as a kid the sandbox. Huge plus if you guys can create some death defying rides. Wink. The team and I will judge the creativity of each placed entered in the contest. I would recommend reading the wiki to Learn Buildism Lua to create even better games.

To enter in the contest just put (Buildism Summer) in the title. All places will be judged and everyone who enters will be mentioned when the winners are picked.

The end date for the Buildism Summer contest is July 5th. So start planning out your game designs now!

Now for the part you guys are waiting for.......Prizes!
Okay we have a little more to give now to the winners including Bits!
Everyone who enters will get a special item for being such awesome users!
Third place gets 500 Bits and a cool custom item.
Second Place gets 1,000 Bits along with a Yellow username.
First place gets 2000 Bits, Yellow username, and a winners crown!

If you have any questions feel free to post below and we will assist you.

Good luck guys!
Buildism Staff
I want that yellow name...
Awesome! Smile

Off-topic: When are you going to start being more active? Lol
[Image: AmZJnA9.png]
I'll try. Wink
Glome my free time is limited. I'm working with Macy's monday through Friday. I still haven't bought a labtop yet because I have to buy a handy man to fix my AC and exhaust.
Use all of your money to buy 1,000 hours worth of five hour energy, and never sleep. Ever.
[Image: chaosthegreat.png]
What's wrong with your current laptop? Buying an brand new computer just because the old on is broken is kinda strange. :3
[Image: AmZJnA9.png]
You can always find some cheap laptop handymen if you check your local yellow pages.
The fan broke and the hard drive died. Being on the Internet isn't my main concern at the moment. To fix it cost as much a new one so I threw it away. OT; Did you ever finish the layout?
(06-19-2012, 07:00 AM)Ashely Wrote: The fan broke and the hard drive died. Being on the Internet isn't my main concern at the moment. To fix it cost as much a new one so I threw it away. OT; Did you ever finish the layout?
No I didn't.. I kinda gave up. It'd be easier with the website source code/
[Image: AmZJnA9.png]

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