Three logic puzzles
I came across these in an old card game called MindTrap a few days ago, and they totally stumped me. Let's see if you guys can get them! NONE OF THEM ARE TRICK QUESTIONS.

Number 1
Bob MacRobbert was bragging about his excellent marksmanship. He claimed he could hang up his hat, walk 300 feet blindfolded, and then turn around and shoot a hole straight through his hat. Since Bob MacRobbert cannot see through the blindfold and has no assistants, how is it possible for him manage this?

Number 2
Joe Schmugg is not as good of a shooter. He went on a bear hunting vacation one winter. He left camp one day and headed south. Half a mile away, he spotted a bear, but it ran off. After continuing in the same direction for another half mile, he spotted the bear again. The bear noticed him and headed east at full speed. Half a mile later Joe caught up with the bear, only to discover that his gun was unloaded. The bear, knowing what Joe planned to do, continued running east. Joe kept on following, and half a mile later he again caught up with the bear, took aim, shot, and missed. Disgusted, he walked the one mile north to his camp to sulk. What color was the bear?

Solved by noob007

Number 3
When not on vacation hunting bears, Joe Schmugg works on the 35th floor of a skyscraper. Most of the time, Joe will ride the elevator to the 25th floor on the way to work, then climb the stairs to the 35th. The exception is when it is raining, in which case he will ride the elevator all the way to the 35th. Since Joe is not fond of exercise nor superstitious in any way, why would he behave in this rather strange manner?
I'm stumped. >.<
Number one takes some intense outside-the-box thinking to figure out. Number two is easiest of the three if you pay attention to details. Number three... If you guys get the answer that the game had, then I am astounded. It's a tricky one.
For the 1st one, couldn't he just walk in a circle around the hat, and then shoot?
Plausible, but not the "correct" answer.
I think I got #2... should I post it or what?
If you think you've got it, go ahead.

[Now is one of the times when it would be nice to have spoilers here, but no big deal.]
And for the second one- How did he walk 1 mile north? would have have to walk North-west?
(06-10-2012, 09:34 PM)Paradox Wrote: And for the second one- How did he walk 1 mile north? would have have to walk North-west?

All the details given are correct. Just think about it a bit harder.
For #2 I think its brown.

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