What's happened to ROBLOX?
Die in a fire mike.
(06-11-2012, 09:20 PM)Luckyone Wrote: Die in a fire mike.

That's a bit harsh, don't ya think?
And I used to play ROBLOX in 2008 on an account called Biscuitz, its really my brothers account lololo.
ROBLOX was horrible in 2008 though because it was sooooooooooooooo laggy.
And I still play ROBLOX, and my username is TaxRevenue but its boring now.. and I don't have fun playing it anymore..
There are only a few games really worth playing, and there are flash games that are much better than them.
Want to know what happened to roblox? 5 Year old kids demanding their parents to call roblox and make them change it, or they sue them, because you could get away with sueing them.
(06-21-2012, 04:17 AM)BuildistGuard Wrote: I don't know what regards the future of Roblox, since Roblox has been decent right now with a few downs, but I think there will be a better game to bankrupt Roblox off or at least make tons of it's losers leave and go to the new game. Another theory is that Roblox could start going downhill again, but this time to the point of "no return". They would make pointless hats frequently again and have pointless updates all the time. That means Roblox would either go bankrupt or lose more than half of it's users.

Never underestimate people's stupidity at the time of internet buying
[Image: evil-dead-deer.gif]

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