Hi. I am new here.
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How are all of you today? :gun_bandana:
Welcome to Buildism! If you have any questions or need help, me, Jacob_, and the rest of the mod team are here to help.

Off-topic: You know, guys, we really should start keeping a tally of all the users who used that smiley in their first post vs those who made their first post in the past year but don't use it. I'm pretty certain it'll fall somewhere around 50-50.
You say Jacob_. I thought your name is QWERTYGiy
Also, it looks kind of cool. (The smile)
I wasn't saying "me, Jacob." I was saying "me, Jacob_, and the rest of the mod team" as three separate things. Jacob_ is the creator and owner of Buildism.
Welcome to Buildism! Salad bar to your left!
(Q, Introduce Yourself)
Okay... I get what you mean. Tongue
Took me a moment to understand what you meant, Dignity. I already introduced myself! Then I noticed, oh, it's in the wrong forum section.
Intoduce myself?
(07-02-2012, 11:49 PM)JamaicanSwag Wrote: Intoduce myself?

The forum category.
You posted this in Buildism Discussion, which is not the right forum.
We have a whole forum section for new members to make threads like this. You posted it in another section, as Dignity pointed out, so I moved it over to its correct position.

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