Op Application by GhostyPompano2
Username In-Game : .GhostyPompano2

Alternate Accounts : None

How long have you been on this server? : Almost 1 day

Age : 14

Why should you be a Trusted member? : .I want to be a member of Ctf z because I like helping others and I would do what it takes to get everyone to like the server. Of course I would follow the rules and get others to do so. I want to make it a fun experience to be on Ctf.

What will you do if you have became a OP member? : .If I where a OP member, I would enforce the rules, helping others in need. try to be as active as possible, I would not be that power-hungry type, I would try to get everyone to follow the rules and have fun

What will you represent as a Staff member? : I will represent the kind, mature and funny side of Ctf and I would do what it takes to get it done.

Which Staff have referenced you? : None

Signed : GhostyPompano2
I think this has something to with Jacob's MC server. Iunno.
[Image: 76561198037039305.png]
[Image: nmdd7o.gif]
(07-15-2012, 08:21 PM)Fat_Sacks Wrote: I think this has something to with Jacob's MC server. Iunno.
Give me the IP.
Wait, people actually use that server? I just set it up a week ago and forgot about it.

The server is designed to run without ops, so tell me if anyone's breaking the rules and I'll figure out how to block whatever they're doing.

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