Guys, do you think that I deserve to be banned for this?
On smaller sites without very specific rules and punishments, rules don't always get enforced consistently. It's mostly the fault of whoever wrote the rules if your punishment is unfair compared to what someone else got for the same thing.

But I agree that calling the mods "dumb racist rednecks" isn't a good idea... here that could get you warned for flaming, disrespecting staff and possibly personal attacks all at the same time. And while I wouldn't ban someone for something they did on another website, it would definitely influence whether I give them harsh or light punishments in the future.

I noticed that a lot of those roblox-inspired sites are run by little kids that like being able to have power over other people, so you might just have to leave. I got banned from Xtros a while ago just for pointing out that they plagiarized stuff from Buildism.
(07-15-2012, 03:08 AM)simonheros Wrote:
(07-15-2012, 12:42 AM)Walrus Wrote: Ok so basically, I play a childish game called SocialMeeps, and I was arguing with the moderators because they ban me all the time for saying "Damnit" and for saying "what the hell", I asked the mods why they do it, and they said it was offensive to christianity and I was like WTF??!?!?!?!?!?

My eyes just saw only those words.

Why would you be in that community if you hate it so much?

It's ridiculous.

Well that's exactly what my parents told me, because I asked them if they thought that I was banned for a reasonable reason.
I only play it because I've been getting over 10k robux per week from selling some virtual crap on SocialMeeps for robux.

I went on the site.
My eyes...

Back on topic, calling the mods racist pieces of garbage isn't the most brilliant way of getting your point.
Well it still sucks.
Not to mention, socialmeeps lacks originality and creativity.
First off, I'm not a "former" Buildism member. Most of what you're rambling on about doing and making a stand etc. is not true. "Damnit" is not a word. However, what you were actually saying, "damn," is a word, and is offensive to Christians, and has the definition of: "Verb: (in Christian belief) (of God) condemn (a person) to suffer eternal punishment in hell: "be forever damned with Lucifer"." Wow, how kid-friendly is that? Also, I sure am glad that you're letting it all out by calling me "an obvious racist and arrogant piece of garbage." This is the last time I'm going to tell you, after I have told you so many times previously, the N word is much worse than "damn," sure, but was there a mod online to ban him? Obviously not. Were there any reports about it? No. Did you even bother to tell me this alleged spammer's username? No. He might as well not even exist. Maybe he's an enigma of your imagination. I could care less. Also, it's not "socialmeeps," it's "Social Meeps." Get it right. Getting banned for condemning kids to eternal punishment in hell, and forever damning them with Lucifer, isn't allowed on Social Meeps. Sorry 'bout that, didn't mean to burst your bubble. One last thing. Calling people "dumb racist rednecks" is harassment, and is against the rules. You would know that if you bothered to read them, which I doubt.

The fact that you're complaining so much over just a 3-Day Ban is hysterical, mostly because you deserved it undoubtedly.

Good day. Smile
(07-25-2012, 02:40 AM)Brassrhino Wrote: [text]

The thing is, "Damn" has virtually, if not completely, lost it's religious bearing. It's rare to have someone say "Damn" and actually intend it to mean what you describe. The same goes with the word "Hell" a lot of people say "What the Hell?", even non-christians. Those words are now mainly used as curse words with little to no religious meaning. As puts it, "to condemn as bad, worthless, etc".
And thanks for the money making idea!
(07-25-2012, 02:40 AM)Brassrhino Wrote: First off, I'm not a "former" Buildism member. Most of what you're rambling on about doing and making a stand etc. is not true. "Damnit" is not a word. However, what you were actually saying, "damn," is a word, and is offensive to Christians, and has the definition of: "Verb: (in Christian belief) (of God) condemn (a person) to suffer eternal punishment in hell: "be forever damned with Lucifer"." Wow, how kid-friendly is that? Also, I sure am glad that you're letting it all out by calling me "an obvious racist and arrogant piece of garbage." This is the last time I'm going to tell you, after I have told you so many times previously, the N word is much worse than "damn," sure, but was there a mod online to ban him? Obviously not. Were there any reports about it? No. Did you even bother to tell me this alleged spammer's username? No. He might as well not even exist. Maybe he's an enigma of your imagination. I could care less. Also, it's not "socialmeeps," it's "Social Meeps." Get it right. Getting banned for condemning kids to eternal punishment in hell, and forever damning them with Lucifer, isn't allowed on Social Meeps. Sorry 'bout that, didn't mean to burst your bubble. One last thing. Calling people "dumb racist rednecks" is harassment, and is against the rules. You would know that if you bothered to read them, which I doubt.

The fact that you're complaining so much over just a 3-Day Ban is hysterical, mostly because you deserved it undoubtedly.

Good day. Smile
Why don't the mods ban people who say the n-word then?
And socialmeeps's moderators are horrible, Jaro and Artist and other mods have falsely banned me and many other users, I know this is all a dirty cover up.

Walrus, I'm afraid you're not helping your point at all.

I disagree with Brassrhino about "damn", but on most other parts, he has the advantage. What he says about nobody being online to ban him and nobody reporting whoever said it is believable, and you have no real proof of them falsely banning you. And yes, insulting them and calling them names does not help your cause any.

Honestly, you're just making yourself look like an angry kid who can't take a "no". Even if they are in the wrong, so are you.
Well that doesn't matter if I have no proof, tons of other socialmeeps member recall getting false bans.
I'm not the only person who's gotten these false bans before, and I may not have any proof, but all I need is trust.

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