08-05-2012, 09:36 PM
Wow! 2 warnings for the same post and for the same reason!
All I'm wanting is a bit of respect within the community. Not some shitty monarchy system run by people who barely ever come online and/or do something for the site.
It is not minor reasons I "be off at you", it's because what I do is valued worse than what others do, even if they do the same or worse. You've never seen any of those people as mods, so you are in no position to judge anyone, just because of how someone acts as a person being constantly harassed(me), annoyed(Franco), never being allowed to get their opinion(Glome) across doesn't mean they won't be bad people to have some power over other people.
However, you've grown up as a stereotypical American - arrogant, ignorant and above everyone else, I'm sorry for you.
"All of us are moderators because we can do our jobs, and nearly all of the time, we do our jobs well enough in the eyes of Jacob_ to keep doing them."
Jacob_ can care less about any member of the community, in reality, the mods have overtaken how much power Jacob_ has over the community, I've noticed Jacob_ never gets a say in anything mod related because the mods think they know what Jacob_ is going to say and wants to say. None of you listen to what the community want - only what yourselves want.
LOL, A warning, seriously Ashely? All words are automatically censored, therefore break no rules
I primarily hate the mods because Jacob_ and I had settled over a 1 month IP Ban about a year ago, and all was good - then came the mods who had to get involved and extend my IP ban for 1 year. Then came CoderRyne who tried helping me get my IP Ban down to half a year, and then the mods increased it to 2 years because he tried to lower it.
(08-05-2012, 09:16 PM)Qwerty Wrote: Look, the point here is, all of the mods have clean histories and have proven themselves capable. Not a single active mod has gotten a warning or ban as far as I am aware prior, during, or, in some cases, after them becoming a mod. Some of us, Ashely in particular, have made some controversial decisions, but all of them have been blown out of proportion by your reactions. You guys, the list of rules you have broken at some point would take pages to write.
I suppose I could live with Dignity and Glome When being mods for a period, because despite various bad decisions in the past, they usually show maturity; and although I don't know how well Upper or Who or Micky would be as moderators, I don't think there's much reason they couldn't become one. Goopler and Latin and bikop, you guys just don't seem like the kind of people fit to be mods -- you probably wouldn't go nuts, but I don't think you'd do a great job of moderating either. But Kieron and Invader in particular are, I suppose the word here is unstable. You can be fine one week and then you'll be off at us again for some minor reason.
All of us are moderators because we can do our jobs, and nearly all of the time, we do our jobs well enough in the eyes of Jacob_ to keep doing them. If you think we aren't doing our jobs well enough, there are two things you can do. Tell Jacob_, in a PM or email, clearly and simply what you think we are doing wrong, or leave.
All I'm wanting is a bit of respect within the community. Not some shitty monarchy system run by people who barely ever come online and/or do something for the site.
It is not minor reasons I "be off at you", it's because what I do is valued worse than what others do, even if they do the same or worse. You've never seen any of those people as mods, so you are in no position to judge anyone, just because of how someone acts as a person being constantly harassed(me), annoyed(Franco), never being allowed to get their opinion(Glome) across doesn't mean they won't be bad people to have some power over other people.
However, you've grown up as a stereotypical American - arrogant, ignorant and above everyone else, I'm sorry for you.
"All of us are moderators because we can do our jobs, and nearly all of the time, we do our jobs well enough in the eyes of Jacob_ to keep doing them."
Jacob_ can care less about any member of the community, in reality, the mods have overtaken how much power Jacob_ has over the community, I've noticed Jacob_ never gets a say in anything mod related because the mods think they know what Jacob_ is going to say and wants to say. None of you listen to what the community want - only what yourselves want.
LOL, A warning, seriously Ashely? All words are automatically censored, therefore break no rules

I primarily hate the mods because Jacob_ and I had settled over a 1 month IP Ban about a year ago, and all was good - then came the mods who had to get involved and extend my IP ban for 1 year. Then came CoderRyne who tried helping me get my IP Ban down to half a year, and then the mods increased it to 2 years because he tried to lower it.