So now the chat was closed off?
You can thank Bikop.
Bikop is sexiest user
(09-15-2012, 02:39 PM)Buildism Wrote: You can thank Bikop.
you know something i've noticed? ever since i joined, i've kind of been a scapegoat for when people make mistakes or get something taken away from them. how, exactly, was it my fault that the chat is gone? people were flaming me immediately when i was unbanned just because of their strong dislike for me and i did absolutely nothing to make people flame me after i was unbanned
You were still spamming and swearing. I agree that we needed to be banned for fighting back. But I'm sick of you, I'm sick of this.
(09-15-2012, 07:11 PM)lnvader Wrote: You were still spamming and swearing. I agree that we needed to be banned for fighting back. But I'm sick of you, I'm sick of this.
yep man you've got that right. everytime something on this site goes wrong, i'm there to blame. you know, i kind of boost the chatbox's activity everytime i use it. most people here dislike me and started flaming me because of my past actions and people started getting technical about it. so i'll take full responsibility for the chatbox being closed off
Now I kind of feel sad for Bikop...

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