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Original Text (In case of future article edits)
Main article: radiation-induced cancer

Up to 10% of invasive cancers are related to radiation exposure, including both ionizing radiation and non-ionizing ultraviolet radiation .[2] Additionally, the vast majority of non-invasive cancers are non-melanoma skin cancers caused by non-ionizing ultraviolet radiation.

Sources of ionizing radiation include medical imaging, and radon gas. Radiation can cause cancer in most parts of the body, in all animals, and at any age, although radiation-induced solid tumors usually take 10–15 years, and can take up to 40 years, to become clinically manifest, and radiation-induced leukemias typically require 2–10 years to appear.[26] Some people, such as those with nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome or retinoblastoma, are more susceptible than average to developing cancer from radiation exposure.[26] Children and adolescents are twice as likely to develop radiation-induced leukemia as adults; radiation exposure before birth has ten times the effect.[26] Ionizing radiation is not a particularly strong mutagen.[26] Residential exposure to radon gas, for example, has similar cancer risks as passive smoking.[26] Low-dose exposures, such as living near a nuclear power plant, are generally believed to have no or very little effect on cancer development.[26] Radiation is a more potent source of cancer when it is combined with other cancer-causing agents, such as radon gas exposure plus smoking tobacco.[26]

Unlike chemical or physical triggers for cancer, ionizing radiation hits molecules within cells randomly. If it happens to strike a chromosome, it can break the chromosome, result in an abnormal number of chromosomes, inactivate one or more genes in the part of the chromosome that it hit, delete parts of the DNA sequence, cause chromosome translocations, or cause other types of chromosome abnormalities.[26] Major damage normally results in the cell dying, but smaller damage may leave a stable, partly functional cell that may be capable of proliferating and developing into cancer, especially if tumor suppressor genes were damaged by the radiation.[26] Three independent stages appear to be involved in the creation of cancer with ionizing radiation: morphological changes to the cell, acquiring cellular immortality (losing normal, life-limiting cell regulatory processes), and adaptations that favor formation of a tumor.[26] Even if the radiation particle does not strike the DNA directly, it triggers responses from cells that indirectly increase the likelihood of mutations.[26]

Medical use of ionizing radiation is a growing source of radiation-induced cancers. Ionizing radiation may be used to treat other cancers, but this may, in some cases, induce a second form of cancer.[26] It is also used in some kinds of medical imaging. One report estimates that approximately 29,000 future cancers could be related to the approximately 70 million CT scans performed in the US in 2007.[27] It is estimated that 0.4% of cancers in 2007 in the United States are due to CTs performed in the past and that this may increase to as high as 1.5–2% with rates of CT usage during this same time period.[28]

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun can lead to melanoma and other skin malignancies.[29] Clear evidence establishes ultraviolet radiation, especially the non-ionizing medium wave UVB, as the cause of most non-melanoma skin cancers, which are the most common forms of cancer in the world.[29]

Non-ionizing radio frequency radiation from mobile phones, electric power transmission, and other similar sources have been described as a possible carcinogen by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer.[30][/spoiler]

English to Japanese to English:

Major notes: Radiation evoked cancer

Ionizing radiation and non-ionizing ultraviolet Full tael side を containing む radiation exposure Concerning even su ru As invasive cancer Full 10% [2] ma ta, cancer of non-invasive Full Full than half は, non-ionizing UV ni yo っ te lead from the ki ko さ slightly ru non-black color swollen skin cancer で thou ru thou Transportation Yu-ru .

The ionizing radiation No source include medical image processing, and shareholders' ra cloth nn ga ma す su But with As ma te Kei. Radiation wa su べ te Full animal で, the of san ど geographical で the body Full Mizuho and cancer を lead comes from the ko su ko and ga で ki, the the ど Full Year Elderly で though, radiation ni Proceeds solid swollen ulcer は, usually 10 to 15 years ka ka ru But, 40 years ka ka ru ko and But, clinical ni Microscopy in the technology expands, Development of radiation-induced leukemia wa usually 2-10 years, it said the さ slightly ru ko and を and rather te iru. [26] of wa Other yo-u na mother spots basal cell carcinoma syndrome ma ta wa omentum bud cells swollen を held the つ though Full na ど a Full 々 は radiation traced ka ら cancer を Development disease su ru till Full average yo ri も sensitive で thou ru. [26] sub for や if は お Other Transportation ku twice で su adults と expands te the radiation induced Development leukemia を open Development su ru; prenatal radiation ば ku は 10 times the effect But thou ri ma す [26] ionizing radiation wa special ni Changes the different immunogenicity で wa strong Kei starting it [26] Getting cloth nn ga su ni As residence exposure But Example え ば passive eat the smoke and specifications Full Cancer squirrel black を held the っ te Kei ma す. [26] Nuclear Power Station power pre-ra nn coat Full nearly ku, ni cancer in general Issuance raw ni full-ku and は Scots ど impact を and ぼ さ starting it and test え Transportation slightly te iru re Bldg nn bag and expands te low amount of exposure, [26] Other slightly wa Full cancer and group Mi together wa se ru and radiation wa, carcinoma of Due to the strong na the source で thou ru Full reasons and the yo-u na ru na ra dollars nn Gas exposure the plastic su Tatari smoke and perfect co etc. Full Pharmaceutical AGENT,. [26]

Ma ta wa carcinoma of chemical physics Suites ri ga ー と は different na ri, ionizing radiation, it ra nn double Rousseau ni Full molecule つ を play. As Other wa chromosome ni conflict su ru yo-u na occasions ni wa, wa chromosome Full As Other abnormal na number of Full chromosome, results and of the the を broken ru ko But で ki, Other slightly But Human ッ Suites expands te Kei ru chromosome Full one, more than 1 つ Full Genetics child を activity of DNA with column Partially slashing to expands te chromosome Rotating seat を from the ko す the ma ta wa cited comes from the ko su chromosomal abnormalities Other-tie plastic. [26] Major killed は, usually, death ni ka cliff Full Center Hikaru ni na ri ma su But, small さ Kei da Female ー ji は Tumor suppression Genes But radiation で killed を by cliff ta occasions wa special ni, Increase yield と Development Exhibition of cancer ni su ru ko and, it may で thou ri a ru stability expands ta On the function na cell the を debris su ko and is it. 3 つ Full expands per segment bands ionizing radiation ni yo ru cancer Full independently made Concerning and expands te Kei ru yo-u ni see え ru wa [26]: Center Hikaru Prev Full Morphological Changes of, Full immortality of the cells (Bruno ー ma, life system limit Center Hikaru regulate plastic ro Center su を lost u), of swollen ulcer formation ni favorable na Adaptive を obtain su ru. [26] The the radion But, the direct DNA を Attack expands the starting it occasions で though, Other slightly wa indirect Mutagen Full the high possibility を rather ru cells ka Transportation Full Response を Suites ri ga su ru. [26]

Ionizing radiation the medical use of radiation wa evoked the growth of carcinoma of No source で thou ru. The ionizing radiation は his を Full cancer treatment su ru ta rather ni su ru ko and is it で ki ru But, As ko wa the Kei ku つ ka Full Kelly ー su で は form of carcinoma of 2 Full を evoked す ru the possibility But thou ru. [26] ma ta, medical image Kei ku the つ ka Full of species で the さ slightly te iru. Approximately 29,000 future Full ga san wa 2007 a ni m で line wa slightly approximately 70 million CT su Cash Flows nn ni off even expands the te Kei ru possibility, it thou ru ko and Full つ Full Toray pts ー Suites Full See product も ri. [27] slightly ko wa, m で wa 2007 ni ga san Full 0.4% wa, past the ni rows wa CTs Full But, reasons で thou ru and constructive さ slightly te Kei ru ko slightly wa, As a same gradually during CT Full utilization But, it is 1.5 ka Transportation 2 bread ー Center nn coat Mizuho ど high-ku ma でincrease the possibility But thou su ru ru ko and. [28]

Sun ka Transportation Full UV ni long exposure ha black color swollen お yo equivalents his Full skin malignant swollen ulcer ni つ na ga ru ko and is it で ki ma す [29] clear na certificate of Offices wa Mizuho and san ど thou ri Mizuho and of san ど in reason of non-black color swollen skin cancer in and expands te, special ni UV, non-ionizing medium wave Full UVB を establish a World Full carcinoma of the na form. [29]

PORTABLE telephone, power, お yo shareholders' his Full radiation But, the wireless cycle the number of the same specifications Full software ー su ka Transportation Full non-イ oil nn of cancer research ta rather Full World health authorities Full international authorities, it may na Development the cancer substance and expands te records さ slightly te Kei ru. [30][/spoiler]

English to Spanish to English:

Main article: radiation-induced cancer

Up to 10% of invasive cancers are associated with radiation exposure, including both ionizing and non-ionizing ultraviolet radiation. [2] Furthermore, the vast majority of non-invasive cancers are non-melanoma skin cancers caused by non-ionizing ultraviolet radiation.

Sources of ionizing radiation include medical imaging and radon gas. Radiation can cause cancer in most parts of the body, in all animals, and at any age, although radiation-induced solid tumors usually take 10-15 years, and can take up to 40 years, to become clinically manifest , and radiation-induced leukemias typically require 2-10 years to appear. [26] Some people like syndrome individuals with nevoid basal cell carcinoma or retinoblastoma, are more susceptible to the average of developing cancer through exposure to radiation. [26] Children and adolescents are twice as likely to develop radiation-induced leukemia as adults. radiation exposure before birth has ten times the effect [26] Ionizing radiation is not a particularly strong mutagen [26] Residential exposure to radon gas, for example, has similar cancer risks as passive smoking. . [26] Low-dose exposure, such as living near a nuclear power plant, are generally believed to have little or no effect on cancer development. [26] Radiation therapy is a more potent source of cancer when combined with other cancer-causing agents, such as radon gas exposure plus snuff consumption. [26]

Unlike chemical or physical triggers for cancer, ionizing radiation hits molecules within cells randomly. If it happens to strike a chromosome, it can break the chromosome, result in an abnormal number of chromosomes, disable one or more genes on the chromosome that hit, delete parts of the DNA sequence, cause chromosome translocations, or cause other chromosomal abnormalities. [26] Major damage usually results in cell death, but damage smallest cell can leave a stable, functional part may be able to proliferate and develop into cancer, especially if the tumor suppressor genes were damaged by the radiation. [26] Three independent stages appear to be involved in the creation of cancer with ionizing radiation: morphological changes in the cell, acquiring cellular immortality (loss of life-limiting normal regulatory processes of cells), and adaptations that promote the formation of a tumor. [26] Even if the particle radiation does not directly hit the DNA, which triggers cell responses which indirectly increases the probability of mutations. [26]

The medical use of ionizing radiation is a growing source of radiation-induced cancers. Ionizing radiation can be used to treat other types of cancer, but it may, in some cases, induce a second form of cancer. [26] It is also used in some types of medical images. One report estimates that approximately 29,000 future cancers could be related to the approximately 70 million CT scans performed in the U.S. in 2007. [27] It is estimated that 0.4% of cases of cancer in 2007 in the United States are due to CTs performed in the past and that this may increase to a maximum of 1.5 to 2%, with rates use of CT during this same time period. [28]

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun can cause melanoma and other skin cancers. [29] A clear evidence establishes ultraviolet radiation, particularly UVB wavelength nonionizing media, as the cause of the majority of non-melanoma skin cancers, which are the most common forms of cancer worldwide. [29]

No ionizing radio frequency radiation from mobile phones, electric power transmission and other similar sources have been described as a possible carcinogen by the International Agency of the World Health Organization for Research on Cancer. [30][/spoiler]

English to Hebrew to English:

Radiation Induced Cancer: Main article

To 10% of invasive cancer associated with radiation exposure, including both ionizing and ultraviolet radiation is non-ionizing. [2] In addition, the majority of invasive cancers are non-melanoma skin cancer caused by ultraviolet radiation is non-ionizing.

Sources of ionizing radiation include medical imaging, radon gas. Radiation can cause cancer in most parts of the body, in all animals, and at any age, although radiation-induced solid tumors usually take 10-15 years, and can last up to 40 years, have become manifest clinically, and radiation-induced leukemia usually requires 2 - 10 years to appear. [26] Some people, such as those with the syndrome nevoid basal cell carcinoma or retinoblastoma, are more susceptible than average development of cancer from exposure to radiation. [26] Children and adolescents are twice as likely to develop radiation-induced leukemia as adults;. Radiation exposure before birth has ten times the effect [26] Ionizing radiation is not a particularly strong mutagen [26] residential exposure to radon gas, for example, has similar cancer risk secondhand smoke. [26]. Low-dose exposures, such as living near a nuclear power plant, are generally believed to have no or very little effect on cancer development. [26] is more powerful radiation source of cancer when combined with other cancer agents factors such as radon gas exposure plus smoking tobacco. [26]

Unlike chemical or physical factors for cancer, ionizing radiation hits molecules within cells randomly. If it happens to strike a chromosome, it can break the chromosome, result in an abnormal number of chromosomes, inactivate one or more genes in the chromosome that it hit, delete parts of the DNA sequence, cause chromosome translocations, or cause other types of chromosome abnormalities. [26] The main damage is usually caused cell dying, but smaller damage may leave a stable cells, some functionality may be able reproduces and develops cancer, especially if damaged tumor suppressor Gardens radiation [26]. Three independent stages appear to be involved in the creation of cancer with ionizing radiation: morphological changes to the cell, acquiring cellular immortality (losing normal processes, life limiting regulatory cells), and adaptations favor tumorigenesis. [26] Even if the radiation particle does not strike the DNA directly, it triggers responses from cells that indirectly increase the likelihood of mutations. [26]

Medical use of ionizing radiation is a growing source of radiation induced cancer. Ionizing radiation may be used to treat other cancers, but it may, in some cases, result in a second form of cancer. [26] It is also used in certain types of medical imaging. One report estimates that approximately 29,000 future cancers could be related to CT scans 70 m performed in the U.S. in 2007. [27] estimate is that 0.4% of cancer cases in 2007 in the United States are due to CTs performed in the past and that it may increase as high as 1.5-2% with CT use rates during this same time period. [28]

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun can cause malignant tumors melanoma and other skin. [29] clear evidence establishes ultraviolet radiation, especially UVB non-ionizing medium wave, as non-melanoma skin cancer, they are most common forms of cancer in the world. [29]

Radio frequency radiation from mobile phones to non-ionizing, power transmission and other similar sources described as a possible carcinogen by the International Agency of the World Health Organization Cancer Research. [30][/spoiler]

English to Arabic to English:

Main article: cancers caused by radiation

Up to 10% of invasive cancers linked to radiation exposure, including both ionizing radiation and UV non-ionizing. [2] In addition, the vast majority of cancers are non-invasive and non-melanoma skin cancer caused by UV non-ionizing.

And sources of ionizing radiation include medical imaging, and radon gas. Radiation can cause cancer in most parts of the body, in all animals, at any age, although radiation-induced solid tumors usually take 10-15 years, and can take up to 40 years, to become clear clinically, resulting from the radiation leukemias typically require 2-10 years to appear. [26] Some people, such as those with Hamani basal cell carcinoma syndrome or retina, are more likely than average to develop cancer from exposure to radiation. [26] children and adolescents are twice as likely to develop leukemia caused by radiation as adults.; Radiation exposure before birth has ten times the effect [26] of ionizing radiation is not a particularly strong mutagen [26] exposure to residential radon gas, for example, has a similar cancer risks of passive smoking. [26] The low-dose exposure, such as living near a nuclear power plant, and is generally believed to have no or very significant impact on the development of cancer. [26] is a source of radiation is more effective than cancer when it is combined with other cancer-causing factors, such as exposure to radon gas in addition to tobacco smoking. [26]

Unlike chemical or physical triggers for cancer, ionizing radiation hits molecules within cells randomly. If it happens to reach a chromosome, it can break the chromosome as a result of abnormal number of chromosomes, disable genes and one or more in part of the chromosome that it hit, and parts of the DNA sequence delete, move locations cause chromosome, or cause other types of chromosomal abnormalities . [26] significant damage usually results in a cell dies, but the damage is smaller may leave a stable, cell functional part that may be able to reproduce and developing cancer, especially if damaged tumor suppressor genes by radiation appeared [26] in three phases independent to be involved in the creation of cancer with ionizing radiation: morphological changes to the cell, and get on a cellular immortality (life-limiting loss of normal regulatory processes, cell), and the amendments that favor the formation of a tumor. [26] Even if the radiation particle does not hit the DNA directly, it triggers responses from cells that indirectly increase the likelihood of mutations. [26]

Medical use of ionizing radiation is a growing source of cancer caused by radiation. Ionizing radiation can be used to treat other types of cancer, but this may, in some cases, induce a second form of cancer. [26] It is also used in some types of medical imaging. The report estimates that nearly one 29,000 cancers in the future could be related to the nearly 70 million CT scans performed in the United States in 2007. [27] It is estimated that 0.4% of cancers in 2007 in the United States is scheduled in CTS conducted in the past and that this may increase to up to 1.5-2%, with rates of CT use during this same time period. [28]

Can prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun leads to skin cancer and other skin malignancies. [29] clear evidence of UV sets, especially the non-ionizing medium wave UVB, is the cause of most non-melanoma skin cancers, which are the most common forms of cancer in the world. [29]

Has been described as non-ionizing radiation from radio frequency mobile phones, electric power transmission, and other similar sources as a possible carcinogen by the International Agency of the World Health Organization for Research on Cancer. [30][/spoiler]

English to Hindi to English:

Main article: Radiation-induced cancer

Both radiation and non-ionizing radiation including ultraviolet radiation exposure up to 10% of invasive cancers are related. [2] In addition, the vast majority of non-invasive cancer, non-melanoma skin cancers caused by non-ionizing UV radiation up.

Sources of radiation, medical imaging, and radon gas are included., and radiation-induced leukemias typically require 2-10 years to appear. Radiation exposure before birth has ten times the effect [26] Ayonaiijhng radiation is not a particularly strong mutagen [26] residential exposure to radon gas, for example, passive smoking as the risk of cancer is similar. . [26] Such near a nuclear power plant, usually no or very little effect on cancer development is considered as being low-dose exposure. [26] When it is combined with other cancer, a more powerful source of radiation cancer risk than smoking tobacco such as radon gas causing agents. [26]

Unlike chemical or physical triggers for cancer, ionizing radiation hits molecules within cells randomly. If it happens to strike a chromosome, the chromosome in an abnormal number of chromosomes, the result can break, it hit one or more genes in the part of the chromosome inactivated, removing parts of the DNA sequence, chromosomal translocations cause, or cause other types of chromosome abnormalities.can.that variations in the side. [26]

Medical use of radiation-induced cancer is increasing source of radiation. Radiation can be used to treat other cancers, but in some cases it may lead to another form of cancer. [26] It is also used in some kinds of medical imaging. In 2007, in the U.S. approximately 29,000 future cancers could be related to the approximately 70 million CT scans that report estimates.have. [28]

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun, melanoma and other skin can lead to malignancies. [29] clear evidence that you are the most common cause of non-melanoma skin cancer, such as ultraviolet radiation, especially the non-ionizing medium wave UVB, which establishes common forms of cancer in the world. [29]

Mobile phones, power transmission, and similar non-ionizing radio frequency radiation from other sources, the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer as a probable carcinogen, has been described. [30][/spoiler]

English to simplified Chinese to English:

Main article: radiation-induced cancer

Invasive cancers are associated with exposure to radiation, including ionizing radiation and non-ionizing ultraviolet radiation, 10% [2] In addition, the vast majority of non-invasive cancer, non-ionizing ultraviolet radiation caused by the non-melanoma skin cancer.

Sources of ionizing radiation, including medical imaging, radon. Radiation can cause cancer in most parts of the body, all animals, and at any age, but radiation-induced solid tumors usually take 10-15 years, up to 40 years, the clinical manifestations of radiation-induced leukemia usually takes 2-10 years to appear. [26] Some people, such as those of a mole-like basal cell carcinoma syndrome or retinoblastoma, is more than the average likely to suffer from cancer radiation exposure. [26] children and adolescents twice as likely to develop radiation-induced leukemia in adults; the radiation exposed during his lifetime is 10 times the effect [26]. Ionizing radiation is not particularly strong mutagen. [26] residential exposure to radon gas, for example, passive smoking also have a similar risk of cancer [26] low-dose exposure, such as nuclear power plants living nearby is generally thought to have little or no impact on the development of cancer [26] radiation is a sources of more effective cancer when it is combined with other cancer carcinogen, such as radon gas exposure, coupled on smoking. [26]

For cancer of the chemical or physical type flip-flop, the ionizing radiation hitting random molecules within cells. If it occurs in the strike of the chromosome, it can break an abnormal number of chromosomes in the chromosome, therefore, part of one or more genes of chromosome inactivation, it hit the deleted part of the DNA sequence, resulting in chromosomal translocations, or cause other types of chromosomal abnormalities. [26] The main damage will usually lead to cell death, but smaller damage may be left in a stable part of the function, especially if they can proliferate and develop into cancer cells, it may be a tumor suppressor gene, by radiation damage [26] three separate stages appear to be involved in the creation of cancer ionizing radiation: morphological changes, acquisition of immortal cells lose their normal, life-limiting cell regulatory processes and adaptation, is conducive to the formation of tumors. [26] Even if the radiation particle does not directly to obtain the DNA, it triggers a reaction cell, and the possibility of indirectly increase the mutation. [26]

The medical use of ionizing radiation is a growing source of radiation-induced cancer. Ionizing radiation can be used to treat other cancers, but in some cases, this may cause a second form of cancer. [26] It can also be used in certain types of medical imaging. The report estimated that approximately 29,000 future may be associated with cancer about 70 million CT scans in the United States in 2007. [27] It is estimated that 0.4% CT utilization rate in the the past CT [28], which may increase up to 1.5-2% of cancer in the United States in 2007, at the same period.

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun can lead to melanoma and other skin malignancies. [29] clear evidence to establish ultraviolet radiation, in particular non-ionizing medium wave UVB, most non-melanoma skin cancer, which is the most common form of cancer in the world. [29]

Non-ionizing radio frequency radiation mobile phones, power transmission, and other similar sources have been described as a possible carcinogen, cancer of the World Health Organization International Agency for Research. [30][/spoiler]

English to Vietnamese to English:

Main article: radiation-induced cancer

Up to 10% of invasive cancers are related to radiation exposure, including both ionizing radiation and ultraviolet radiation is not ionizing [2] In addition, the majority of non-invasive cancer is a disease non-melanoma skin cancer caused by ultraviolet radiation is not ionizing. .

Sources of ionizing radiation include medical imaging, and radon gas. Radiation can cause cancer in most parts of the body, in all animals, and at any age, although radiation induced solid tumors usually take 10-15 years, and can take up to 40 years, to become clinically manifest, and radiation leukemia usually require 2-10 years to appear. [26] Some people, such as those with the syndrome nevoid basal cell cancer or retinoblastoma, are more susceptible than average to developing cancer when exposed to radiation [26] Children and youth are two times. as likely to develop leukemia radiation as adults,. radiation exposure before birth has ten times more efficient [26] Ionizing radiation is not a particularly strong mutagen [26] Residential exposure to radon gas, for example, the relative risk of cancer Like passive smokers. . [26] exposed to low doses, such as living near a nuclear power plant, are generally believed to have no or very little effect on cancer development. [26] Radiation is a more powerful source of cancer when it is combined with other cancer-causing agents, such as radon gas exposure plus smoking tobacco. [26]

Unlike chemical, physical causes cancer, radiation ionizes the molecules within cells randomly touch. If it happens to strike a chromosome, it can break the chromosome, result in an abnormal number of chromosomes, inactivate one or more genes in the part of the chromosome that it hit , delete parts of the DNA sequence, cause chromosome translocations, or cause abnormal chromosome types. [26] major damage often results in cell death, but smaller damage may leave a stable, partly functional cell can proliferate and capable of developing into cancer, especially if tumor suppressor genes were damaged by radiation. [26] Three independent stages appear to be involved in the creation of cancer with ionizing radiation: morphological changes to the cells, which are the cellular immortality (losing, life term manufacturing processes regulating normal cell), and adaptations that favor formation of a tumor. [26] Even if the radiation particle does not strike the DNA directly, it will cause a reaction from cells that indirectly increase the likelihood of mutations [26].

Medical use of ionizing radiation is a growing source of radiation-induced cancer. Ionizing radiation can be used to treat other cancers, but this may, in some cases, create a second form of cancer. [26] It is also used in some kinds of medical imaging. One report estimated that approximately 29,000 future cancers could be related to the approximately 70 million CT scans performed in the U.S. in 2007. [27] It is estimated that 0.4% of all cancers in the United States in 2007 was made by CT in the past and this can be increased to 1.5-2% higher rate of CT use in that same period. [28]

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun can lead to melanoma and other skin malignancies. [29] The evidence clearly established ultraviolet radiation, especially the non-ionizing medium wave UVB, as the cause of most of the skin cancer melanoma, which is the most common form of cancer in the world. [29]

Non-ionizing radio frequency radiation from mobile phones, power transmission and other similar sources have been described as a possible carcinogen by the International Agency of the World Health Organization study Cancer Research. [30][/spoiler]

English to Georgian to English:

Main article: Radiation-induced cancer

Up to 10% of invasive cancers are related to radiation exposure, including both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation and ultraviolet radiation. [2] In addition, the majority of non-invasive cancers are non-melanoma skin cancers caused by non-ionizing ultraviolet radiation.

Sources of ionizing radiation include medical imaging, and radon gas. Radiation can cause cancer in most parts of the body, in all animals, and at any age, although radiation-induced solid cancers take 10-15 years, and is capable of up to 40 years, to become clinically manifest, and radiation-induced leukemias, usually require 2-10 years to appear . [26] Some people, such as the nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome or retinoblastoma, are more susceptible than average to developing cancer radiation exposure. [26] Children and adolescents are twice as likely to develop radiation-induced leukemia as adults, radiation exposure before birth has ten times the effect. [26] Ionizing radiation is not a particularly strong mutagen. [26] Residential exposure to radon gas, for example, a similar cancer risks as passive smoking. [26] Low-dose exposures, such as living in a nuclear power plant, as a rule, they have no, or very little effect on cancer development. [26] Radiation is a more potent source of cancer when it is combined with other cancer-causing agents, such as radon gas exposure plus smoking. [26]

Unlike chemical or physical triggers for cancer, ionizing radiation hits molecules within cells randomly. If it happens to strike the chromosome, it can break the chromosome, result in an abnormal number of chromosomes, inactivate one or more genes in the chromosome, that it hit, delete parts of the DNA sequence, cause chromosome translocations, or cause other types of chromosome disorders. [26] The injury usually causes the cell dying, but smaller damage may leave a stable, partly functional cell that may be capable of proliferating and developing into cancer, especially if tumor suppressor genes were damaged by the radiation. [26] Three independent stages appear to be involved in the creation of cancer and ionizing radiation: morphological changes to the cell, acquiring cellular immortality (losing normal, life-limiting cell regulatory processes), and adaptations that favor formation of a tumor. [26] Even if the radiation particle does not strike the DNA directly, it triggers responses from cells that indirectly increase the likelihood of mutations. [26]

Medical use of ionizing radiation is a growing source of radiation-induced cancer. Ionizing radiation may be used to treat a variety of cancers, but it can, in some cases, lead to a second form of cancer. [26] It is also used in some kinds of medical imaging. One report estimates that approximately 29,000 future cancers could be related to the approximately 70 million CT Scans performed in the U.S. in 2007. [27] It is estimated that 0.4% of cancer in 2007 in the United States because of CTS done in the past, and that this can be increased to as high as 1.5-2%, and rates of CT use during the same time period. [28]

Long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun can lead to melanoma and other skin malignancies. [29] clear evidence establishes ultraviolet radiation, especially the non-ionizing medium wave UVB, as the cause of most non-melanoma skin cancers are the most common forms of cancer in the world. [29][/spoiler]

English to Russian to English:

Main article: radiation-induced cancer

Up to 10% of invasive cancers associated with exposure to radiation, including ionizing radiation and non-ionizing ultraviolet radiation. [2] Moreover, in most cases, are not invasive cancer melanoma skin cancer caused by non-ionizing ultraviolet radiation.

Sources of ionizing radiation include medical imaging, and radon gas. Radiation can cause cancer in most parts of the body, in all animals, and at any age, although radiation-induced solid tumors usually take 10-15 years, and can take up to 40 years to become clinically manifest, and radiation-induced leukemias typically require 2 - 10 years to appear. [26] Some people, for example, with the nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome or retinoblastoma cells are more susceptible than average to developing cancer from radiation exposure. [26] Children and adolescents are twice as likely to develop radiation-induced leukemia adults. radiation exposure before birth to ten times the effect [26] Ionizing radiation is not a particularly strong mutagen [26] Residential radon gas exposure, for example, has the same risks as the cancer of passive smoking. [26]. small doses, for example, who live near nuclear power plants are generally considered to have no or very little effect on cancer development. [26] radiation is a more potent source of cancer when it is combined with other cancer agents, such as radon gas exposure plus smoking tobacco. [26]

Unlike chemical or physical trigger for cancer, ionizing radiation falls molecules intracellularly randomly. If it happens to hit chromosome, it can disrupt the chromosome resulting in an abnormal number of chromosomes, the inactivation of one or more genes in the chromosome of that pass, delete portions of the DNA sequence to cause chromosomal translocations or cause other types of chromosomal abnormalities. [26] The main damage to cells generally leads to die, but less stable damage can leave a partially functional element, which may be able to proliferate and develop into cancer, especially if the tumor suppressor genes have been damaged by radiation. [26] Three independent stages appear to be involved in the creation of cancer with ionizing radiation: morphological changes in the cell, acquiring cellular immortality (losing normal, life-limiting cell regulatory processes), and adaptations that favor formation of a tumor. [26] Even if the radiation particle strikes directly to DNA, it causes response of cells which indirectly increases the probability of mutations. [26]

The medical use of ionizing radiation a growing source of radiation-induced cancer. Ionizing radiation can be used to treat other types of cancer, but it may in some cases cause a second form of cancer. [26] It is also used in some types of medical imaging. One report estimates that approximately 29,000 future cancers could be related to the approximately 70 million CT scan performed in the U.S. in 2007. [27] It is estimated that 0.4% of cancer in 2007 in the United States are due to CTs performed in the past and that this may increase to a height of 1.5-2% to the rate of use of CT during the same time period. [28]

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun may lead to malignant melanoma and other skin tumors. [29] provides clear evidence of ultraviolet radiation, especially the non-ionizing medium wave UVB, as the cause of most non-melanoma skin cancers, which are the most common forms of cancer in the world. [29]

Non-ionizing radio frequency radiation from mobile phones, electric power transmission, and other similar sources have been described as a possible carcinogen by the International Agency of the World Health Organization for Research on Cancer. [30][/spoiler]

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About cancer: Warning.

Ray cover shareholder ionization, and UV light to light and ozone cancer 10%. Mother magazine and Mizuho

Health care, Manufacturing, product or radiation, or Washington DC and Pain, 15, TR-10 radioactive drugs, the Island every year to date. MM: Management and GUO cancer is difficult in Pethiné, such as, heat another door, and the birth of a normal start-Ming as a book of ancient mountains Su Shi San Mizuho has natural oil services, traffic from General Assembly, and NN - the - N and rain. 2-10 years in the Island Island temptatyon Allen, DC and 40 radio WA, DC and leukemia [26], and a car. 2 years later, respectively - for adults and children are analyzed the amount of water, the rest of the eye cancer, Washington DC, MS & # india inflation rate, and the length of other safety cell cancer [26],,,,, [26], cancer, lights, the change in the type of resistance [26] Ward WA happen with ozone exposure in for the United States to other people, cancer EBA kumelun and 10 Washington Post, MA Parliament or organization, [26]. For example, not only developing cancer, car starts growing nickel. Mountain nuclear and adjacent Islands, and for example, if De Arizona. [26] Please install kumelun Tori tape Ireland and citizenry. Once again, the origin of the oil in the color man, the day NN, towels cancer, [26 exhibits.

Physics, Chemistry, graduate student Lee NN Congress dew Island, Washington catheter of water only, and the Island is, cancer cells, chromosomes in ozone and particle radiation - 10, 000 tons. However, 26] KD Russell Commission, Washington, TR, calm - by MA Washington, looking back to a one chromosome Washington chromosomes of genetics on chromosomes and DNA tshromosomal different, how otherwise, Attorney General Assembly meeting is a real burden, but creating the gold age. It is women basically taking damage from any Washington, or almost. At the same time. However, legal and ngelmu. Death nonstudents Washington Island in the cancer cell, Ohio to reduced somewhat off the bottle (glass), by car Dedede often. (To meet the needs of all life in the Lake, but other but Wada Hillary plan to go to the bar in Washington, [26] to cause at the same time): -3 All contacts with tumor nickel, of Washington, DC, and the rest of the DNA molecules monetary velocity of the image as a mountain ionizing radiation in in order to join the other [26]. Because this represents activity, or system, SA complain that little more to change the cause Island Add all - LV [26].

Other Kara wrote in a report of 2007, my bread SA _ in BP neural network, Massachusetts, has increased slightly underwear in Washington, - and tuna and [27] Mr. Azar, a small Santa Claus. Only requirement Break Break SA 1.5 of CTS and, the piece of bread, a car from cancer of 0.4 percent from 2007 as a ship of NN axis of options . [28] not to kill.

In Washington, another bad idea, shareholders of [29], it is ultraviolet light or ultraviolet light and half-Tail skin cancer and the start date in the car. In the world, ultraviolet radiation levels Persian Gulf average, in the form of most cancers in the NN frame "Now, now, and that cancers. [ 29] and the United Kingdom about, analysis

Change and development company, and all cancer tumor cell migration by water, ozone, car radio, color, and meeting online examples. Somewhat. [30][/spoiler]
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