Roblox Comic 1: The New Admin
Narrator: A new admin named "Jeff" has been hired by builderman and is going to the roblox HQ and is very excited to be there. But he doesn't know what hes in for.....
Jeff: *arrives at the roblox HQ* so this is where ill be working at...its kinda...big....
Jeff: Well no time to waste time :] *walks to the door and is greeted by Matt Dussek*
Dussek: who are you?!
Jeff: im jeff...who are you?
Dussek: DONT JUDGE ME!! *runs away sobbing, then builderman takes dusseks place*
Jeff: what is up with him?
builderman: hes....sensitive.....welcome to ROBLO HQ where the magic happens *greets Jeff into the HQ*
Jeff: So what place will i roll in on this game?
Builderman: you will be a developer, Telamon has some stuff for oyu to do.
Jeff: ok then...where is he?
Builderman: *points to Telamons room across the hall* there.
Jeff: ok thank you *walks to Telamons room and knocks on door* hey Tealmon its Jeff the new guy...
Telamon: pleez com3 in....
Jeff: *opens door* ok....
Telamon i want you too do this.....*gives Jeff a list of hats to create* make these for me.
Jeff: shouldn't we be working on developing and improving the game quality?
Jeff: wait what?!
Builderman: update the game thats impossible! the engine is too extreme!
Jeff: then update it.....
TO BE CONTINUED.............

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