Roblox Comics 2: Meeting The Team
Builderman: look Jeff, its obvious the game is for for anyone with a supercomputer like us, now lets get cracking on those hats!
Narrator: the admins make new pirate hats and gears for Roblox, like always the players are disappointed.
Jeff: *working on making more hats* no wonder why this game is never updated, they are too lazy....
Telamon: *sneaks over and thumps Jeff in the head" hew newbie!
Jeff: *sigh* what is it Telamon?
Telamon: me and Reesemcblox are doing a office chair race! wanna join in?
Jeff: an office chair race........*in mind: so its true.....*
Telamon: yush, you wanna or not?!
Jeff: no thank you, I think i'm going to work on fixing the HUD GUI breaking glitch
Telamon: alright, and have fun with that newbie *walks away*
Jeff: man what a, i should say jerk....*starts working on improving some of the Tools* god these things suck...
Brighteyes: *walks next to him* what are you doing?
Jeff: fixing things that are broken.....
Brighteyes: your fixing the tools, they are fine!
Jeff: no, the copy tool copies a brick a stud above something then places it down regularly.
Jeff: and the paintbrush has colors missing that should be here!
Brighteyes: whatever, i think is fine....*walks away aggravated*
Jeff: ahh DONE! the robloxians will be sure to love this! *hears telamon yell: I WON!* ohh brother.... gloating party for Telamon...

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