You thin you like the Simpsons
I started watching it when I was around 1 or 2 years old, I enjoyed it so much, I wanted to call me new born sister Maggie- when she was named Saffron, I cried my eyes out. XD
Shiggity Shiggity Shwa
[Image: Animated.gif?t=1314294800]
Saffron is a wonderful name.

That show is PG 15, that somehow makes it a lot better.
(05-22-2011, 04:29 PM)AK-47 Wrote: Saffron is a wonderful name.

That show is PG 15, that somehow makes it a lot better.

Actually it's PG 12 Wink

Or so it says on the discs :O

Shiggity Shiggity Shwa
[Image: Animated.gif?t=1314294800]
Hehehe. A few years ago, back when Taylor Swift's song "Love Story" was everywhere, my sister called it "that Juliette song". She hated it very very much.

She nearly turned purple when she found out that our baby cousin was going to be named Juliette.
(05-23-2011, 05:22 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: Hehehe. A few years ago, back when Taylor Swift's song "Love Story" was everywhere, my sister called it "that Juliette song". She hated it very very much.

She nearly turned purple when she found out that our baby cousin was going to be named Juliette.

I thought it was spelled "Juliet"
(05-23-2011, 05:22 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: Hehehe. A few years ago, back when Taylor Swift's song "Love Story" was everywhere, my sister called it "that Juliette song". She hated it very very much.

She nearly turned purple when she found out that our baby cousin was going to be named Juliette.

LOL! Coincidence? I think not XD
Shiggity Shiggity Shwa
[Image: Animated.gif?t=1314294800]
Yes, the Shakespearean (and song) name is Juliet, but the common name is Juliette. Nobody I've ever heard of is named Juliet. The closest thing to that is Joliet, Illinois, where there's a NASCAR track.

But that's as close to "Juliet" as it is to "Toilet is a noise."


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