Platform Help
I was wondering if you could make a part a platform while also making it non-character collidable? If it's possible, could you tell me how?
Just set Platform to true and CharacterCollide to false.
I tried, CharacterCollide just offsets the platform and it becomes just a part you can walk through.
-.- Isn't that what you want? Remember, Platforms are MEANT to be so that you can only stand on them from above and hop through them from below but they're still buggy.
I probably should have explained my last post better, but what I meant to say was turning CharacterCollide to false makes the platform not work as a platform.

When Platform is true, and CharacterCollide is false, you can not jump on the part, you can only walk through it.
Yes. Because CharacterCollide off means the player cannot hit the part in any way. Platform means the player can land on it from above (and also run into the side occaisionally due to bugs)
:l I know BUT Platform doesn't work when I have it true while CharacterCollide is false.
Because CharacterCollide false overrides Platform true.
What should I do then?

If you want it a platform set platform to true...


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