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So do you guys think that the Colorado massacre deserves the death penalty? - Printable Version

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RE: So do you guys think that the Colorado massacre deserves the death penalty? - Franco30557 - 07-23-2012

I think he should die, most of all, cause he killed a bunch if kids who were bear his house.

Serious: I heard information that he didn't kids bombing his house.

RE: So do you guys think that the Colorado massacre deserves the death penalty? - Walrus - 07-23-2012

(07-23-2012, 05:43 PM)Paradox Wrote: I think the question boils down to this:

Would you rather him die and not have any punishment other than death or have in prison for life, having him not only be punished by the prison itself, but eventually, death?

He doesn't need any punishment in this case -- what he did was way to extreme.
Therefore, let him die.

RE: So do you guys think that the Colorado massacre deserves the death penalty? - noob007 - 07-23-2012

I think intentional murder does deserve the death penalty. Life-long prison is just an extra, unneeded punishment. Plus, if we put all those who deserve the death penalty in prison, imagine an accident that lets all those crazies free.

RE: So do you guys think that the Colorado massacre deserves the death penalty? - Ashely - 07-23-2012

Of coruse. Me I honestly think the government is doing this to get laws passed.

RE: So do you guys think that the Colorado massacre deserves the death penalty? - Walrus - 07-23-2012

(07-23-2012, 06:23 PM)noob007 Wrote: I think intentional murder does deserve the death penalty. Life-long prison is just an extra, unneeded punishment. Plus, if we put all those who deserve the death penalty in prison, imagine an accident that lets all those crazies free.

Well obviously it wasn't done unintentionally.

RE: So do you guys think that the Colorado massacre deserves the death penalty? - Who - 07-23-2012

He is clearly mentally ill, what else could make a 24 years old medical student with no record of any criminal activity pretend to be the Joker and start a massacre?

On my opinion he shouldn't die, it should be in no one's hands to decide wether he lives or dies.

RE: So do you guys think that the Colorado massacre deserves the death penalty? - Walrus - 07-23-2012

(07-23-2012, 08:49 PM)Who Wrote: He is clearly mentally ill, what else could make a 24 years old medical student with no record of any criminal activity pretend to be the Joker and start a massacre?

On my opinion he shouldn't die, it should be in no one's hands to decide wether he lives or dies.

So what if he's mentally ill? Does that mean that he has an excuse? Hell no.
Legally, yes, he basically has an excuse for being mentally ill, but at his court appearance earlier this morning, no one felt any pity for him.
He has a mental illness. BOOHOO. That doesn't give him the right to murder 12 people, and injure 58 others. He also had explosive boobytraps in his apartment so no one could see what he had inside.

RE: So do you guys think that the Colorado massacre deserves the death penalty? - Dignity - 07-23-2012

I agree it shouldn't be in there hands if he lives or not.
@People saying the mental disordeer isn't a excuse
It's not like their not going punish him ifnhe has a mental disorder.

RE: So do you guys think that the Colorado massacre deserves the death penalty? - Qwertygiy - 07-23-2012

There are two opposing sides to it.

As Paradox pointed out, if they kill him, that's it -- he doesn't have to suffer life in prison, it's just over. He's gone, no drawn out life in prison.

However, as noob007 said, if they put him in prison, there's always the chance he can get out -- escaping, getting out on parole in ~ 40 years somehow, a terrorist attack on the jail, a natural disaster...

RE: So do you guys think that the Colorado massacre deserves the death penalty? - simonheros - 07-23-2012

They should actually give the dude an award for making the most bad ass entry to a show ever.

I kid, I kid.... Too dark? Sorry.
But seriously...
What did they give that Virginia tech ITT Asian killer dude?
I find that their's should be about the same.