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I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY(Forever alone shouting face) - Printable Version

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I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY(Forever alone shouting face) - Mustachio - 10-13-2011

Sorry if this may seem like PA to some people, but...

LOL and someone else who I forgot helped smuggle me back into here, under the name 'Tehpwnzor'. This account was used until I figured I was un-banned. When I tried logging in, it said I was IP-Banned.(I was logged in on my mum's laptop)

After I posted about the glitch from being un-IPed, I was able to log-in.
Obviously, Jacob_ let me back.

So before complaining that I'm back, It was Jacob_ who let me back.

RE: I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY(Forever alone shouting face) - Excel - 10-13-2011

Mm K.

RE: I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY(Forever alone shouting face) - lol - 10-13-2011

(10-13-2011, 10:14 PM)Mustachio Wrote: Sorry if this may seem like PA to some people, but...

LOL and someone else who I forgot helped smuggle me back into here, under the name 'Tehpwnzor'. This account was used until I figured I was un-banned. When I tried logging in, it said I was IP-Banned.(I was logged in on my mum's laptop)

After I posted about the glitch from being un-IPed, I was able to log-in.
Obviously, Jacob_ let me back.

So before complaining that I'm back, It was Jacob_ who let me back.

Me? Give all the credit to Duck, you were following his advice. I only gave 1 or 2 suggestions but you denied them.

RE: I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY(Forever alone shouting face) - Who - 10-13-2011

whatever, we could use another active member

RE: I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY(Forever alone shouting face) - Hippo - 10-14-2011

(10-13-2011, 10:14 PM)Mustachio Wrote: Sorry if this may seem like PA to some people, but...

LOL and someone else who I forgot helped smuggle me back into here, under the name 'Tehpwnzor'. This account was used until I figured I was un-banned. When I tried logging in, it said I was IP-Banned.(I was logged in on my mum's laptop)

After I posted about the glitch from being un-IPed, I was able to log-in.
Obviously, Jacob_ let me back.

So before complaining that I'm back, It was Jacob_ who let me back.

It was Duck, and I knew as well.
(10-13-2011, 10:21 PM)Excel Wrote: Mm K.
*Looks for no thanks button for useless posts*

RE: I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY(Forever alone shouting face) - Duck - 10-14-2011

It was me and Lol in the chat.

I'm not sure if my chat nickname was duck though.