(04-14-2011, 11:20 PM)Dragon_ Wrote: I dont want her fired at all. I said she is being scarsive and threatening people which will affect Buildism's future. Shes kinda nice if she wants to.
Plus, Rare doesnt care about the power OR the star, He wants to help people. Dont get the wrong impression.
Broloxer, you have what happened all wrong. He never did cry, he doesnt want her fired. His meds made him mad at a fly once and he punched the wall and broke his nuckle. He gets really mad for no reason at all. You just caught him at the wrong time. And he didnt personally insult anyone
Scarsive isn't a word.
None of the mods are too strict, and some of them could be stricter in my opinion. Just look at all of the random crap that gets posted on the ROBLOX forums... do we want to end up like that? I don't care if you can post whatever you want on those forums and not ever get banned, the rest of the internet doesn't work that way.
Also, Rare is never going to have mod powers, or any special ranking for that matter. If he just wants to be helpful, all he has to do is post helpful replies. If people notice him doing that, they might change their opinion and respect him more... and that kind of respect lasts much longer than respect that comes from some colored name screaming "RESPECT ME!".