I was wondering how do you enable a particle system? Is it something like:

ParticleSystem = enabled

to turn it on?

And in a weapon would it work like this:

if part.Parent:isA("NPC") or part.Parent:isA("Character") then
Tool.ParticleSystem = enabled

(and how would you turn it off after this? Just reverse it?)

(Please not the above script lines are from the original sword script)

Thanks you for your time.
Shiggity Shiggity Shwa
[Image: Animated.gif?t=1314294800]
Instead of enabled (which is not a part of it) try this:

if part.Parent:isA("NPC") or part.Parent:isA("Character") then
particleSystem.Parent = tool
particleSystem.Parent = nil

Something like that.
What he said! ^^^^
Lolz! Big Grin
I know I fail.
I'm not a great scripter anyways.
Sorry... I'll get out.

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