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I have an idea, but I have no idea how to do it.
I know practically nothing of Java XD
You'll just need to know how to use imports, methods, and err...I barely know it.

I use jMP's awesome editor suggestions.
Tech issue: Whenever I try to run the installer for jME, it just says "Compiling Installer" or something, runs a blue loading bar, disappears, and then nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong? Do I just need to reboot or something?
Are you sure you downloaded the right file?
Oh, wait, here it is. It only took 15 minutes to pull up the Installer Wizard >.>

I just realized my brother was in a Atheist group on ROBLOX. o.0
On a Sunday? How ironic.
(09-25-2011, 02:22 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: On a Sunday? How ironic.

The funny things are:

It's Sunday
He doesn't know what a Atheist is.
We're going to Mass like, right now.
Misunderstandings are everywhere...


For example, until last night I thought the main lyrics to Prince's "Little Red Corvette" were "Pay the Rent Collect".

Why? I have absolutely no idea other than that I had never really "listened" to it clearly before.

Anyway, back on track: jMP seems to be installed now Big Grin
Now, you need Blender to create models, then export them into OrgeXML or something.

You just need to end up with a .scene file.

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