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Freedom Typers
New epipost coming up
No new epipost.
Myem Talk
All the cool bitches in town read this
Koneee chi wahhhh! Oh, sorry, that's not my usual introduction, I must've picked it up from some weeaboo fag forum.

Myem Life

Today in school, I was walking in the hallway being all innocent and crap, then some fatass fucker pushed me into some other kid. I almost fucking bled like hell.

Myem Random

You know, sometimes people say this thing about a certain girl, "It's not what's on the outside, but what's in the inside that counts." Well, you want to know what's inside of this girl? My cock, pounding against her vagina pumping some sweet vitamin LOL with my hormone milk.

Myem Reacts

I just watched another retarded "Kids React" episode. That YT crap almost makes me want to smash my keyboard as hard as AGK. How and where the hell do they get these kids? Fucking moms letting kids make stupid commentary on shit.

Myem talks about school again

For some weird loner reason, I've been forcing my only friend to register on Buildism for several months.
I wonder if I'm the only person who instantly realised what Myem is.
[Image: paperboy.PNG]
True beauty.
Myem Talk
All the cool bitches in town read this

Myem Review

The Hunger Games is a horrible book and it never deserved such praise. It was rushed as fuck and full of some boring lesbians or whatever talking about shit that nobody cares about which somehow extended the number of pages like hell. The introduction was a fucking piece of shit and in some parts it sounded too formal. Everyone in the fucking story is a fucking teenager (Or were they young adults? Meh, I didn't give a shit about the character backgrounds). No one in real life would explain every little detail about what the hell they are talking about.

The title of the book, 'The Hunger Games,' is as misleading as a fucking finger that looks like a penis in a small YT thumbnail. "What the fuck is that shit, an eating contest?" was my first thought. I didn't get most of the damn storyline because the author or whoever that actually writes this shit mashed it into a fucking unreadable wall of China. Who the fuck cares about your stupid totalitarian lifestyle? George Orwell already fucking mastered this fucking genre bitch. Plus, he made sense because he didn't base it off a completely irrelevant storyline or whatever the hell smart asses call it.

The main character, Katniss, was as annoying as fuck and I wished that she would just die already for being a fucking pathetic excuse at fillers every time someone else wasn't talking. And what the hell kind of a name is Katniss? Is everyone fucking retarded in this book?

And to all those fuckers who think I have a bad taste in books (Nobody reads books anymore anyways), this is my favorite book:

[Image: CuriousGeorgeFirst.JPG]

At least a fucking monkey that develops curiosity towards various things makes much more sense than this shit.
Again, I'm just gonna suggest keeping the cursing on the lighter side.
[Image: 76561198037039305.png]
[Image: nmdd7o.gif]

Myem Talk

Myem Reacts

Fuck Kony 2012 and anyone who spams that bullshit.

Myem Image

[Image: rOlUc.png]

The quick reply box is afraid of qwertygiy.

Myem News

I'll be inactive this week due to some family stuff. There's only a slight chance that I would be able to make a new epipost.
Red Dawkings


How to loose a hundred pounds:

1. Make sure you have at least a 100 pounds.

2. Go to the London Underground

3. Put your 100 pounds next to you without looking after it.

4. Stay there until you lose 100 pounds. You may have to drink your own urine and eat your feces.

5. A hobo stole your 100 pounds and traded it for 160 US dollars.

If there's no pounds, you have followed the instructions correctly!
After a week, I'm not sorry to say that I couldn't shit out a story like usual for you guys. It would've involved children and rapists anyway.

I'm still figuring out what the table generator is for and until then you'll see more minor sketches, puns, and sex jokes that you would not get. If you would like to go more on this, try finding the I-Don't-Get-The-Joke-Syndrome thread somewhere on the Internet to explain pointlessly entertaining explanations, just like Casey Anthony's cover story for her daughter's death.
I remember a while ago when the whole country spazzed over my hometown when its last bookstore closed. In fact, it was a major shitfest, with the contestants being CNN, Huffingtion Post, MSNBC, and one million other major news outlets eating the fuck out of the shit. After several months, a new bookstore opened, but no one gave a shit because it was still digesting.

Karma is a bitch, so is Ashely.

Listening to a dumb whore's voice while she pathetically tries to sing can make you gay.

World peace will never be achieved. We will all die like shit. Think about that sentence, read pessimist comments on YT, get depressed and make a post of how much you hate this world for hating you.

Jacob_ is eligible for porn. O la la.

Your favorite TV network jumped the shark 5 years ago and you will always dread how horrible the next episodes on your past-favorite shows will be like.

Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer are underrated. Shut the fuck up, critics.


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