What is the command to "run" a script?
You need to change source of the created script before parenting it somewhere

a = create("Script")
a.Parent = game.World
a.Source = "print('lol')"

> Hello!

a = create("Script")
a.Source = "print('lol')"
a.Parent = game.World

> lol


And if you need to run existing script, just cut and paste it..

local Script = script.Parent.CutPasteScript
Script.Parent = nil
Script.Parent = script.Parent
[Image: 76561198036192536.png][Image: Ava2.gif]
AntiBoomz0r @ roblox,xfire
AntiBoomz @ minecraft
MiikaFTW @ steam

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What is the command to "run" a script? - by AK-47 - 04-27-2011, 12:47 PM

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