Is this alright?
I have an essay due tommorow and I'm doing it last-minute, keep in mind this is a rough draft.

When I grow up, I would like to become a concept artist and/or programmer for Bungie, a very successful videogame company. For me, both jobs can be really easy, because I love the game company, and can draw concept art for any of their games in a snap and I already know some of the programming language called Lua, I can easily alter any code in that language, depending on the game environment and I really hope I can learn C++, another scripting language that most games run on, in high school. The job requirements are not really that high, I already have most like professional attitude and an ability to take constructive criticism. Both jobs do require internship, like most other jobs in a videogame business. I think the best place to learn all the other job skills I would need is probably at a videogame-specializing, or design college.
Probably the classes that can really jump-start me in high school are Photoshop class, java script class, and maybe web design. Photoshop can come in really handy at ANY art career in a videogame field, because I think in the future a lot of art-related jobs will strongly need at least some experience with virtual paint brushes. Java script can really help be out because it’s a programming language that is very similar to C++ and Lua. Web design can be very good to know how to do, since it can help out in programming and Bungie have a whole website with a large community of fans, it can come in really useful if they need anyone to replace Urk, the guy who manages atleast a third of the site and writes huge blog posts about new game updates.

Not done, either, by the way.
[Image: 76561198037039305.png]
[Image: nmdd7o.gif]

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Is this alright? - by Fat_Sacks - 05-13-2011, 01:28 AM

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