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Tired of breakfast cereal and want some candy?


[Image: rbd1mg.png]

Ingredients: Lithium, Uranium, Radium, Charcoal, Cinnamon, Red Dye #5, :furious: es, Sodium, Red-hot Pete's Hot Sauce, and less than 2% of: Wood shavings, Flint, Sugar, and Nitroglycerin.

Nutritional information per serving:

Calories: 9002
Calories from fat: -5
Sodium: 50 grams
Iron: 0.001 gram
Vitamin A: Insignificant
B vitamins: Insignificant
Vitamin C: Insignificant
Vitamin D: Insignifant
Vitamin W: Does not exist outside of chocolate factories
M&Ms: 1/2 Piece
Big Macs: 0
Bland Flakes: 1 flake
Corvettes: 1/10th Carbuerator
Radioactivity: We don't know because it broke our Gieger counter
Cats: 1 hair

Warning: Consumption of more than the reccomending serving of 2 Hot in less than 24 hours may result in: Smoke in the ears, Singed hair, Heartburn, and/or temporary insanity and the belief of being Mt. Vesuvius. Key Bored Industries, Qwertygiy, and Buildism not to be held responsible for all above ailments and any other ailments occuring in a 2-week period after ingestion.

Messages In This Thread
Tired of breakfast cereal and want some candy? - by Qwertygiy - 05-20-2011, 12:41 AM

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