Some of you don't have to Troll Me and crush my dreams.
(05-21-2011, 07:55 PM)broloxer Wrote:
(05-21-2011, 07:50 PM)Llama Wrote: I lost my ROBLOX account that I have been working on for 2 Years! I lost all my ROBUX and my friends. I thought I needed to complain. I hate the ROBLOX mods. All they care about is their money. Mods that Care are Telamon, BEs, And Reece and Briguy. Rest are selfish. All the mods like Ashley and Qwertygiy are great! And if you are Reading Qwert and Ash, if this game comes big, will you still talk to me and stuff? Thanks for readin'.

I just said you might 'rage'.

I didn't say 'Oh, you'll suck at it.'


I said "Some of you" ya know?

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