Wanna' hear a gross story. O.o (This happened IRL to me)
When I was in kindergarten, I fell and hit my mouth on the foot of the desk (you know, the round metal thing.) I had to get my 2 front teeth pulled, because they got jammed up into my head. In my 1st and 2nd grade pictures I don't have any front teeth.

And then there was the time I broke my nose during recess. As another kid waiting in the office said, "Why is your whole face covered in blood?"

At the beginning of the school year before the one that just ended, they shortened our time between classes to 4 minutes. Also, there was construction going on so I had to go outside to get to all of my classes, which were conveniently located on opposite ends of the campus. One day I was running to get to class before the bell rang (as always) and I tripped on a rock and fell. I cut my elbow on another rock and had to get the cut "glued" shut at the emergency room... There's still a scar there, even though that was almost 2 years ago. Thankfully, the teachers realized we couldn't get to class on time safely and stopped marking people as late, and at the end of the year the principal got fired and his replacement changed the class change time back to 5 minutes.

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