Wanna' hear a gross story. O.o (This happened IRL to me)
When I was in 3rd grade I would say I was racing my best friend on bikes down the street (Barely anyone ever drives down my street) and he was beside me and then he went faster and was in front of me and all of a sudden he like tried to drift or something (Lolwut?) and I hit the side of his bike and the bike flung me (Doing a front flip) forwards causing me to face plant into the street. Luckily I only managed to scrape my legs,hands,and face. My helmet prevented me from any further damage but it did hurt like heck. There was also another time where I was riding a scooter down the sidewalk by my apartment complex (I dont live there anymore) and there was this annoying little kid on the opposite side of the street yelling and stuff and I was staring at him while I was riding my scooter and I accidently hit a rock and turned into a bunch of gravel and fell onto the sidewalk on my face and chipped half of my top left tooth. The kids mom came over and took me to my mom but I was so fricking mad at that kid.....
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