Need help finding other things to do?
Well, the title isn't very much on topic, but as I was saying,

I was reading some posts towards Fish about advice and I decided to throw some in

Well, recently I've been banned for 7 days and school starts before I'm unbanned

(I was pretty mad at first)

But than I realized

This is perfect! I can work on my other crap while I do nothing there

(Ya, that didn't make sense)

But as I was saying, there's many things to do online,

Addicting Games

And other cool stuff. Also, if you're using windows XP I think there's still some nice games for xp and 98.

Sadly I had to ditch those when I got this computer.. :l

I would die to play roller coaster tycoon again..

(computer game =3)

There's also World of Warcraft, but I can't promise you people won't harass you if you play it...

Well, my point is. If you're thrown down by a force, don't stand sulking

Fight back and get what you deserve,

Also, something towards Fish

If people are trying to scam you, report them, Email roblox about it, and if they do nothing

Scam em back,

A friend of mine once gave me their account when they quit,

Than a RL friend of the guy who quit somehow got the Password to the account and started trashing the places I built there.

What did I do? Talked to the guy who quit, put the places on my hardrive, and tried scamming the guy to give me the password.

Amazingly, it worked than I gave the account back to the real owner where he locked it up.

I don't know if I can login to the account or not, but the guy who I helped won't forget me..

Messages In This Thread
Need help finding other things to do? - by broloxer - 08-07-2011, 04:59 AM

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