You All Act Like Challenging Superiours is Wrong
Challenging the higher up is how change is made. Tell me one forum where NO ONE had any criticism towards the creator or community assistants. Even something like a suggestion to add to the game is a form of criticism, indirectly directed towards the creator(s) or said game.

Even in a real life instance, people with more power are challenged, look at the government, look at capitalism and a work space in general.
I mean EVEN KIDS challenge their Parents to get more rights or challenge the school board for things.

Criticism isn't bad and shouldn't be locked, only flaming. Only a legitimate excessive amount of flame can be locked, because locking right when tension gets high just feeds the fire. I DID NOT say don't lock rule breaking things, I said don't lock something until there is a solid flame, I know you are trying to prevent stuff from happening but when you get involved via a lock, or a ban ,or a deletion, or warning, it makes it worse.
[/rant end]

Superiours are always challenged and criticized to make change, stopping it with fears of what will happen only makes it worse.
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You All Act Like Challenging Superiours is Wrong - by Ming-Yan - 08-10-2011, 05:18 PM

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