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Freedom Typers

"Wonderful fantasies with Ashely".

If you saw what he/she/it was writing, you wouldn't call it wonderful.
[Image: paperboy.PNG]
True beauty.

OK, kids, there is a time in your life when you ask yourself this very question, "Where does money come from?"

Some guess it comes from trees, others say it comes from wombs. But silly children, those guesses are both wrong! Money comes from our superior and great leaders.

Money is a reward and a requirement in life. There's simply no way to live without it in this great nation, so let me give you some helpful advice and tips to be a successful capitalist!

Avoid atheists; Atheists are the spawn of the devil, don't fall in their path.

Avoid liberals; These people complain about how America is not good enough for them, but the truth is that America is too perfect for them. GO TO CHINA FR33DOM H8TORS

Watch Fox News: If you want to get complete accuracy and something to rely on, watch Fox News! These guys are so pro that there is no need to watch any other news channel (Especially liberal ones, and I mean you, CNN! Grrr...).

Avoid Catholicism; Catholics are a rip-off version of the real believers. Real Christians definitely know that God is white, while Catholics believe that God is really Latino. Such impurity!

When in doubt [of success], make a scam; Jamster is a good example.

Never take liberal money; It is a SIN. Since when? Umm.. Well... Uh.. Mmm.. Huh.. Hmm... Err.. Ugh... Eh.. Erm.. STARTING SINCE NOW! YEAH.

And this is only some of the many tips you can follow to be successful and proud!
(10-13-2011, 05:06 PM)Hippo_Yay Wrote: "Wonderful fantasies with Ashely".

If you saw what he/she/it was writing, you wouldn't call it wonderful.

Its a she/it.
>Its a she/it.
>a she/it


that didn't make any sense.
Read it out loud... with a southern accent.

Want to be part of the crew? Of course you do!

Just fill in this application!

how mutch do u hat librals?

r u rich?

y u wanna join?

whos beter conservatves or liberals?
The Wiki's Death: Good or Bad?

Despite having a reasonable number of editors, nobody actually read it. Why is that? Probably because of the stale topics it focused on. I mean, really, who would want tutorials? What people really want is juicy gossip and lies, even the liberal haven of Wikipedia is filled with entertaining/gossip issues although they deny it. The editors were stale too, including me. The closest thing to entertainment was slight criticism occasionally spotted on user/vanity/talk/boring pages.

Another reason why the Wiki closed is that people that had nothing better to do in their lives kept vandalizing until Jacob_ cracked and sent the Wiki to oblivion. Meh, it's kind of a good thing that the Wiki closed, there's no competition!

A portion of the Wiki community had no experience and the intelligence of an autistic, 11 year old, manatee-obsessed, liberal.
how mutch do u hat librals? lotss

r u rich? ohyus

y u wanna join? cos im owsum

whos beter conservatves or liberals?conservatves 4eva
[Image: paperboy.PNG]
True beauty.
The only trustworthy wiki is .
(10-14-2011, 04:45 PM)Jacob_ Wrote: The only trustworthy wiki is .

nu, only ter awesome Wikipedia!

Wikipedia wll sue den 4 evar!

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