HOLY CRAP! Someone actually committed suicide?!
Good thing I never went down that road last year.

Last thing you want to resort to is convincing yourself that the world would be better if you did not exist. Tongue
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Man, that's horrible. I mean hanging is like torcher! Dude, I'm so sorry for your friend....
I got a reminder for saying I got diabetes. 3 Months ago. I almost comited suicide by incullin overdose. My Blood Sugars went dangrousy low. My mom paided me to eat. ROBLOX is messed up!
@login. Im sorry ): Thats horrible!

Last year a kid in my school shot him self in the head. We have like 2 kids die per year. Its really depressing. I don't know how id re act if one of my best friends died. New York is just a depression state i guess.
[Image: dancerssssssss.gif]

That's just terrible.
This is the saddest thread on buildism.

Suicide is one thing to think about, and another to do. Trust me, I know. I used to suffer from depression, but I'm over it. It may come back soon though.
I have never, EVER had a relative or friend of mine suicide- Because of this, My heart practically turns BLACK when I here of someone's suicide story. Also because of this, I get random thoughts of my family dieying, which haunts me.

3 relatives of mine have died last year, one because of a hospital's ignorance towards her.

My Aunt Katie: In here 20s: Died of Cancer, On mothers day- she had a daughter, very young.

My Aunt Marsh: Old Age: Cancer, In a hospital, was not treated like she should've been

My distant Grandad: Unknow: Cancer

The worst thing to think, at the moment of realisation that someone has died, is that you'll never see them again- If you are going to think it, accept it, they've gone to a better place. Christian or not.
Shiggity Shiggity Shwa
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My birthdays on mothers day ): Now im going to think of that ):
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