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Tired of breakfast cereal and want some candy?


[Image: rbd1mg.png]

Ingredients: Lithium, Uranium, Radium, Charcoal, Cinnamon, Red Dye #5, :furious: es, Sodium, Red-hot Pete's Hot Sauce, and less than 2% of: Wood shavings, Flint, Sugar, and Nitroglycerin.

Nutritional information per serving:

Calories: 9002
Calories from fat: -5
Sodium: 50 grams
Iron: 0.001 gram
Vitamin A: Insignificant
B vitamins: Insignificant
Vitamin C: Insignificant
Vitamin D: Insignifant
Vitamin W: Does not exist outside of chocolate factories
M&Ms: 1/2 Piece
Big Macs: 0
Bland Flakes: 1 flake
Corvettes: 1/10th Carbuerator
Radioactivity: We don't know because it broke our Gieger counter
Cats: 1 hair

Warning: Consumption of more than the reccomending serving of 2 Hot in less than 24 hours may result in: Smoke in the ears, Singed hair, Heartburn, and/or temporary insanity and the belief of being Mt. Vesuvius. Key Bored Industries, Qwertygiy, and Buildism not to be held responsible for all above ailments and any other ailments occuring in a 2-week period after ingestion.
This sounds dangerous!
Guaranteed more safe than Bland Flakes! This doesn't explode at temperatures over 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
This should help some people burn some calories...
Don't let Ice eat it.
[Image: 76561198037039305.png]
[Image: nmdd7o.gif]
Or Fire for that matter -- his name would become Inferno.
Oh my god, I would eat this then listen to Justin Bieber.
[Image: 1te6tmtu01m.png]
the dogs will take over these countries.

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