Forums sure are slow for a weekend afternoon/evening.
Were almost as slow as Monday.
[Image: chaosthegreat.png]
I've been playing Counter Strike and Wolf Team. Take that universe!
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(05-28-2011, 11:56 PM)McNoobster Wrote:
(05-28-2011, 11:53 PM)Ice Wrote:
(05-28-2011, 11:44 PM)McNoobster Wrote: Because this sites falling to pieces

Nah. I think everyone is doing something this weekend.

No the site is just getting inactive all together everyday. I use to come on after school and there would be like 12 people on now I come on and Im lucky if theres 1.

No, not many people get on the forums. Not to mention, your probably just looking at the well known people.
"we've had maybe 15 posts in the past 2 hours"

In weekdays, during nigh time, there is only one every post in one/two hours.
O LOOK A GRAPH. Lemme read it!
Hmmm... Looks like people have something more important to do in weekends. Homework? Projects?
I'll be on more after June second.
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(05-29-2011, 04:22 AM)Interwebs Wrote: I'll be on more after June second.

Same. Summer starts than.
School starts here during June.

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