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Could I be a mod?
Really? This girl has some serious problems. BROLOXER! Get me the pics of her raging.
[Image: image?id=2155]
(07-05-2011, 11:30 PM)TheFlame Wrote: @Sponge
Really? This girl has some serious problems. BROLOXER! Get me the pics of her raging.
Keep on drinkin' your Hatorade.
Sponge you dont have to be rude to her. She asked a simple question whether people thought she would be a good mod
[Image: dancerssssssss.gif]
(07-05-2011, 09:16 PM)Spongebob1212 Wrote:
(07-05-2011, 03:24 PM)Fish Wrote: Not asking, but would I be a good one? :o

Maybe if you didn't show poPcORN on buildismchat, you could've gotten to be a mod.
"What happens in chat, stays in chat"
Eehh... Maybe
I honestly don't think so, I would advise you to wait a few years until you feel that you're ready.
Nice job on Fire.


Also, Fish.

More you ask the more you won't.

I thought you learned.
(07-06-2011, 05:18 AM)broloxer Wrote: Nice job on Fire.


Also, Fish.

More you ask the more you won't.

I thought you learned.
IK, I wanted people oppinions because.. When I rag'd..

Fish, dont worry about it. Everyone rages. Yours just arent undercontrol as well as others. But that comes with maturity. Your only 11? I think. I use to have the WORST anger problems ever. I grew out of that thankfully.
[Image: dancerssssssss.gif]
(07-06-2011, 01:03 PM)Fire Wrote: Fish, dont worry about it. Everyone rages. Yours just arent undercontrol as well as others. But that comes with maturity. Your only 11? I think. I use to have the WORST anger problems ever. I grew out of that thankfully.

I'm Depressed, Autistic, and HUGE Insinety.. I almost killed myself.. TWICE! I mean it. I got hospitailised. :l I'll have this for life. Aswell as my Diabetes. I'll probaly have care when Older. I have been out of school for almost a year because of my Problems. I have high funtioning Autsim. I can Talk,Eat do alot of stuff you can. My Math level is high. My Computer level is really high. But I am going to a Autistic school now. It's nice. They have Youtube. Tongue But they watch "Bob the Builder." >.> I seen it.

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