"Collidable" feature of Terrain
This would allow touching Terrain to trigger Collided events. Currently, if, say, a rocket hits terrain, it won't explode, it'll just travel along it.
(07-08-2011, 04:55 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: This would allow touching Terrain to trigger Collided events. Currently, if, say, a rocket hits terrain, it won't explode, it'll just travel along it.

You mean like if you make a huge wall and try to shoot at it, the rocket won't explode and dissapear? You mean a version of that into a terrain?
What I mean is, take a Rocket. Shoot it at the Ground before you mess with terrain at all. It should explode. Make it into terrain. It won't explode.

Example: My game "Games" which has some other bugs at the moment too.

What I want is to make it so that it CAN touch it and trigger the explosion.
Use the TerrainCollided event in addition to Collided.

I already fixed the rockets in the catalog.
"Use the TerrainCollided event in addition to Collided.

I already fixed the rockets in the catalog."


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