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Proposition for programming tutorials (You decide!)
1.) Would you like to learn the Java programming language and almost everything about it in a large series of Buildism-only tutorials?
2.) If so, would you like the tutorials written in text, or in videos?

3.) If Jacob would allow for the tutorials to be placed on Buildism (so that they are for Buildism only), would you like that more than them being visible to everyone on Youtube? After all, it would be a perk for new players to join Buildism.
-I like the idea
(08-04-2011, 06:22 PM)CoderRyne Wrote: Thank you for being kind enough to give me this chance to help you all learn, everyone.

No, thank you
[Image: evil-dead-deer.gif]
I finished the first tutorial, and now I'm working on the second. The first one is really just an introduction, and doesn't get into anything fun or specific. I have a really bad headache, but I still made it anyway. Please keep that in mind when you are watching, because there are a few grammatical and speech flaws here and there.

Jacob, if you are reading this, how should I get you the video? I'm assuming I should email you?
Also, I have never really officially attempted to make my own video tutorial series, but I can see this turning out well. In the end, there could very well be 100 or more videos...
Ryne Thiel
If it's youtube, [video=youtube]urlhere[/video] and put it in a thread.
(08-04-2011, 10:27 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: If it's youtube, [video=youtube]urlhere[/video] and put it in a thread.

I can't make this into a Youtube video, or else everyone will have the ability to watch it. I made it a .avi video. This format can still be embeded into websites, and is only visible to certain people.

I'll send it to Jacob to add to the website.
Ryne Thiel
(08-04-2011, 10:08 PM)CoderRyne Wrote: I finished the first tutorial, and now I'm working on the second. The first one is really just an introduction, and doesn't get into anything fun or specific. I have a really bad headache, but I still made it anyway. Please keep that in mind when you are watching, because there are a few grammatical and speech flaws here and there.

Jacob, if you are reading this, how should I get you the video? I'm assuming I should email you?
Also, I have never really officially attempted to make my own video tutorial series, but I can see this turning out well. In the end, there could very well be 100 or more videos...

Did you read my last post? If I made a forum section, you could post them yourself.
Jacob, I did read your post. Please go ahead and make this forum section preferably in off-topic. The only reason I didn't go ahead and comment on that part of your post was that I don't know if this forum will allow me to upload .avi videos into threads. If I am somehow able to, here is everything I will need and would really like to make things easier on me:

1.) A forum to post video threads in.
2.) .avi video upload format into forum threads.
3.) Threads should not be able to be posted by anyone but you (Jacob) and I. To be honest, I don't really even see a need for a moderator to need to post threads either in a section dedicated to my tutorials.
4.) Members need to be able to post in my threads that are not locked.

Very important "wants" to make life easier on me:
1.) I would, if possible, really like to be able to moderate that forum section. I can tell you right now that I do not find any moderators currently working on Buildism besides you (the administrator) and I (the member who is posting these Java tutorials in the first place) suitable for the job of moderating threads that I post in this section. After all, I'm guessing that none of the current moderators know a thing about Java, and I will be doing a lot of work in that section to get everything set up and running properly. I really do not want anyone to interfere in this video forum that I will be helping my Java "Students" out in besides you and I. Please consider this request, as it would be so helpful for me to just be able to go in and do what I need to do without needing to consult a moderator each time I need something locked, pinned, edited, deleted, moved, etc. You get the idea.

2.) If there is any possibility of having the ability to have a way to do edits on this forum section in general, such as the description (which I might want to use partly as a status), or to change the settings of this forum so that say I need to stop people from posting there for a while, that I can personally put a stop to that, this would be so fantastic.

If I actually do this, I *really* want to be able to teach the players of Buildism everything I know about Java. In order to do this, I need these resources. If you would please kindly help me out, that would be extraordinary.

Thank you.
Ryne Thiel
Could you upload the videos to Youtube, make them unlisted and embed them in your post? That would also make it easy to make them public if you ever wanted to.

Alright then, I will do so. Thanks!
Ryne Thiel
(08-04-2011, 02:52 PM)CoderRyne Wrote: You see, Java is incredibly fast, powerful, efficient, professional, and simple enough to use to make a great game or pretty much anything that you want to make. Not to mention, unlike other languages such as C++, Java was built so that it is cross-platformed by default! You don't need to recompile your programs on Windows, Mac, Linux, etc, every time you want to update your program. When I first started Java, I promise to you that I wrote the slowest, dumbest programs that the world has ever seen. What was I doing wrong though?

C++ is actually more cross-platform than Java. The Java programming language was made only to work on the Java platform, while C++ can run on virtually any software platform.
(08-05-2011, 11:40 AM)noob007 Wrote:
(08-04-2011, 02:52 PM)CoderRyne Wrote: You see, Java is incredibly fast, powerful, efficient, professional, and simple enough to use to make a great game or pretty much anything that you want to make. Not to mention, unlike other languages such as C++, Java was built so that it is cross-platformed by default! You don't need to recompile your programs on Windows, Mac, Linux, etc, every time you want to update your program. When I first started Java, I promise to you that I wrote the slowest, dumbest programs that the world has ever seen. What was I doing wrong though?

C++ is actually more cross-platform than Java. The Java programming language was made only to work on the Java platform, while C++ can run on virtually any software platform.

(Let me respond to your post in a way that (almost) everyone here can understand).

Regardless, Java is installed on almost every computer in the world. Almost every C++ program has been written as Windows OS-specific, so what does that tell you about "C++'s more cross-platform" capabilities? Yes, I will say that C++ can work perfectly fine cross-platformed, but it's a total pain in setting your programs up that way. All I know is, I wouldn't want to recompile my programs and individually test them on every system that I coded my program to run on for every little update I make. This is what drives a lot of C++ programmers away from making their programs completely cross-platformed.

Java, as long as you have it installed and updated, will create almost no work for a platform-independent programmer. The only work they need to do (from my experiences) when writing a program that is by default meant to work on every OS with the most recent version of Java installed on it, is in the case that they are writing custom controls (controls in simple terms, for those who do not know, are buttons, "drop down menus", scrollbars, "textboxes", etc) in a control code library such as Swing.

For example, if I set the background color of my Button on Windows to (0, 0, 200, 150), my button will be a rather transparent shade of blue. If I then go ahead and decide to set the foreground (text) color of the same button while coding on a Windows OS to white, and then I put my program on my Mac OS, when I run my button program on the Mac, it will look awful. Since Mac's control backgrounds are mostly all a light whitish-light grayish color by default and since they cannot easily be tampered with, the control will not be a transparent shade of blue. That means that the "white foreground" I had mentioned earlier will barely show up, and the text on the button will barely be visible. This is definitely a good, yet small example of one of the few examples that I can think of in which Java doesn't work right "cross-platformed". This isn't a bug in the program, but it was for sure a design flaw from Java's makers.

Anyway, before I get too into this response, I think I will stop there. You get the point, right? I really don't care to argue with you about which language is better in this forum thread in particular; you could PM me if you would like to discuss this further, or wait until Jacob makes the new forum. Thank you for your comment though!
Ryne Thiel

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