Can someone tell me what is wrong with this script?
I'm trying to make a player that touches this script's parent teleport to a new world, but all it does for me is teleport the player to a certain position. Here's the script:

enabled = true
function OnCollided(hit)
if hit.Parent.Type == "Character" and enabled then
enabled = false
hit.Parent = game:getWorld("outside").World
hit.Position = Vec2D(77.69,63.88)
enabled = true

link(script.Parent.Collided, OnCollided)

I think this is what you need to do:

function goTo(id)
local placeId = id + 0

link(game.Players.ChildAdded, function(player)
link(player.Chatted, function(chat)
if string.sub(chat, 1, 5) == "goto/" then
goTo(string.sub(chat, 6))
end end) end)
[Image: chaosthegreat.png]
No, that's my game teleport script, not a World teleport script...

Hang on a moment and I'll post a world-changing script.
enabled = true
function OnCollided(hit)
if hit.Parent.Type == "Character" and enabled then
enabled = false
hit.Parent = game:getWorld("outside").World
local player = game.Players:getChild(hit.Parent.Name)
player.Parent = game:getWorld("outside").Players
hit.Position = Vec2D(77.69,63.88)
hit.Parent.Health = 0
enabled = true

link(script.Parent.Collided, OnCollided)

Now, assuming your new world is named "outside", that should work. If it looks like it just changed position, are your two worlds nearly identical? If so, it probably worked -- you just can't distinguish between the new World and the old one.
(08-11-2011, 12:21 AM)Qwertygiy Wrote: No, that's my game teleport script, not a World teleport script...

Hang on a moment and I'll post a world-changing script.
enabled = true
function OnCollided(hit)
if hit.Parent.Type == "Character" and enabled then
enabled = false
hit.Parent = game:getWorld("outside").World
local player = game.Players:getChild(hit.Parent.Name)
player.Parent = game:getWorld("outside").Players
hit.Position = Vec2D(77.69,63.88)
hit.Parent.Health = 0
enabled = true

link(script.Parent.Collided, OnCollided)

Now, assuming your new world is named "outside", that should work. If it looks like it just changed position, are your two worlds nearly identical? If so, it probably worked -- you just can't distinguish between the new World and the old one.

Okay, here's the working version:
[lua]enabled = true
function OnCollided(hit)
if hit.Parent.Type == "Character" and enabled then
enabled = false
hit.Parent = game:getWorld("outside").World
local player = game.Players:getChild(hit.Parent.Name)
player.Parent = game:getWorld("outside").Players
hit.Position = Vec2D(77.69,63.88)
enabled = true

link(script.Parent.Collided, OnCollided)

I think you forgot to add a parent Tongue

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