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Freedom Typers
(10-05-2011, 10:13 PM)LOL Wrote: So far I'm putting more of my time into cooking and art

You didn't really strike me as the type of person who would be doing that kind of thing... But then I sometimes make some eggs or other simple stuff and watch the occaisional Food Network show. Alton Brown is awsome Smile
-By coincidence, I was writing a report on Steve Jobs shortly before he died.
-Aaron is taking my place in The Order.
-Memes are becoming a part of mainstream media.
(10-06-2011, 12:51 AM)LOL Wrote: -Memes are becoming a part of mainstream media.

Oh really? I don't really watch TV much, but I don't think that they're becoming part of it... Except maybe a few Cartoon Network shows or something, but I've never watched that.
-I have a frequent reader on this blog
-I have found a new community I really like
-There's nothing here that is actually interesting to report, however I just do it for the post count.
It's not just this thread... I read EVERY new post.... Hehehehehehe....

What new community is it? I know it's not tGL... You came here FROM roblox... CubeBomb is dead...
-My blog is a popular tourist attraction for qwertygiy, bots, guests, and other animals. Profit is high as a result.
-Luckyone is back; Massive mourning takes place throughout the world as hypocrisy and hate blend perfectly together, and also "My Little Pony" sprinkled with a bit of copypasta.
-Targeting and criticizing the past (Can range from 15 minutes ago to the birth of humanity) of an individual is a strategy flamers often use to get 10+ cool points, throw in a pony and you'll get an extra 20%.
-This blog is fueled on user replies, self-hate, and attempts to get sympathy (This only succeeded one time, if you ever try this at home, be sure to use your one time wisely).
-I have a sexy ass siggy now, it is just like a mosquito repellent, but instead of mosquitoes, it repels THE MINIONS OF EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!
-Drama is going back to original levels as a certain individual makes his comeback.
-In case if a major drama war occurs in the future I have made my own bunker with presidential seating and viewing glass with automatic coke refillers and popcorn reserves, you wish you had such a bunker, but yet you waste your time white knighting your buddy-in-law while everyone is dying because random = funny.
At least you didn't see all that bumperson crap on your blog.
[Image: paperboy.PNG]
True beauty.
Luckyone screwed his comeback I guess, he couldn't make more than 5 post without putting "moron" in it

Nice and neat blog by the way
[Image: evil-dead-deer.gif]
-sorrrryy guyyyssss :(((((((((( myy sigy was delted, but u can stil share the love of god :) haha our love is stronger than the haters take that haters haha ownt CHRISTINS FOR TEH WIN JEZUZ SAVEZ :)
-Every day thousands of innocent people lose their humbleness to pony fandom. This is a pandemic worse then AIDS, cancer, and Ebola combined. Victims are known to be generally overweight and insecure about other peoples' thoughts on their pony show. It is highly advised not to socialise with the infected, for the disease is known to propagate individual after individual through oral (and even digital in some cases) conversation.

And what can you do about this infestation? Stay in school, practice your daily hygiene, and avoid ponies at all costs.
(10-06-2011, 01:21 AM)LOL Wrote: -In case if a major drama war occurs in the future I have made my own bunker with presidential seating and viewing glass with automatic coke refillers and popcorn reserves

Reminds me of that scene in Monsters Vs. Aliens.

Government guy: "What are we going to do about this monster, sir?"

President: "Hmm... I think there's only one thing to do."

*president moves over to giant red button*

Government guys: "NO NO NO DON'T PUSH THE BUTTON!!"

President: "Why not?!"

Government guy: "That's the button that releases all our nuclear weapons!"

President: "Then where's the button that gives me a cappuchino?"

*government guy points to identical red button 5 feet over*

President: "Ah." *pushes button, gets cappuchino* "Whoever designed this place is an idiot."

Government guy: "Uh, you designed it sir."

President: "Oh. Right. Fair enough. Mmm, that's a good cuppa joe."

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