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Does "God" Exist?
(07-08-2012, 06:37 PM)Leonartist Wrote: God+science=facts

God + science = headache.

I can't seem to manage the two in the same equation; so if I think about either of them I have to push the other to the side for a bit. They aren't necessarily incompatible, they just don't play nice. The concept of God(s) was, as far as I can tell, created as an explanation for when people didn't have science.

Caveman 1: Uggh egh gahaw ghug? [Translation: Why is the sky blue?]

Caveman 2: Uggh guh gahwd. [Translation: Because God made it so.]
My religion, wich is Christianity never really explained how the world worked. It just fortold future events, and taught you how to behave.
[SPOILER][Image: NDIBirc.gif][/SPOILER]
What future events did the bible foretell?
(07-08-2012, 07:04 PM)Duck Wrote: ^
What future events did the bible foretell?

It foretold that in the endtimes that people would hate Christians and there would be a World War 3. It predicted there would be an increse in Earthquakes (wich has already happened).
[SPOILER][Image: NDIBirc.gif][/SPOILER]
but none of those things are true
How could it predict a WWIII without predicting WWI and WWII? And some people have ALWAYS hated Christians. Such as the Romans.
(07-08-2012, 07:33 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: How could it predict a WWIII without predicting WWI and WWII? And some people have ALWAYS hated Christians. Such as the Romans.

It predicted there would be an increse of wars, then there would be a very catastrophic final war. Christianity was already hated since it was founded. There is now an increse in Satanists and Aithiests that are starting to overpower Christianity and other religions.
[SPOILER][Image: NDIBirc.gif][/SPOILER]
Christianity is still a lot more popular than atheism and satanism, and there hasn't been any major increase in wars.

There's just a lot more people, so there are more atheists and satanists, and there seem to be more wars because there are more separate people in different areas around the world than there were in 100 AD.
but there were many more wars back in the time of the romans which is when jesus was supposedly born
The Roman wars were nothing compared to WWI and WWII. The Roman wars did not involve the whole world.
[SPOILER][Image: NDIBirc.gif][/SPOILER]

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