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Break in the House |
Posted by: Valyou - 12-11-2010, 12:08 AM - Forum: Current Games
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Here's a small (read: friggin tiny) demo of the best feature Buildism has recieved as of now, block fragmenting! It's at http://buildism.net/game.php?id=71
There's lots more ways to use block fragmenting than just to break into houses! Try making a leafblower that uses a big brick to break apart "leaf' blocks and push them away, or wrecking a city with fraggable buildings!
12/5/10 - Explosions, weapons, and more! |
Posted by: Jacob__mybb_import1 - 12-05-2010, 08:38 PM - Forum: News
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Today's update is a big one, if you just want to play with some of the new stuff try this.
- You can hold tools now. Set the Holdable property to true, then adjust the Texture, TextureOffset and Size to your liking.
- Explosions! See below for an example
- Fixed some random bugs
- Players have health now, if you health reaches 0, you die. Explosions affect your health depending on how close to them you are.
Here is the code for the rocket:
Code: tool = script.Parent
player = tool.Parent.Parent
character = player.Character
body = character.Body
enabled = true
function enable()
enabled = true
tool.Name = "Rocket"
function disable()
enabled = false
tool.Name = "Reloading..."
function playSound(s)
if game.AssetService:getChild(s) ~= nil and game.AssetService[s]:isA("Sound") then
function normalizeVector(vec)
local m = math.sqrt(vec.x * vec.x + vec.y * vec.y)
return Vec2D(vec.x / m, vec.y / m)
function onClick(btn, pos)
if btn == 1 then
if not enabled then return end
local r = create("Box")
r.Size = Vec2D(2, 1)
local v = normalizeVector(Vec2D(pos.x - body.Position.x + 0.1, pos.y - body.Position.y - 1.5))
local angle = math.atan2(v.y, v.x)
local c = create("FixedVelocity")
c.Velocity = Vec2D(v.x * 10, v.y * 10)
c.Parent = r
r.Rotation = math.deg(angle)
r.Position = Vec2D(body.Position.x - 0.1 + v.x * 7, body.Position.y + 1.5 + v.y * 7)
local s = create("Script")
s.Name = "RocketScript"
s.Source = [[
function playSound(s)
if game.AssetService:getChild(s) ~= nil and game.AssetService[s]:isA("Sound") then
rocket = script.Parent
function onCollide(hit)
local e = create("Explosion")
e.Radius = 7
e.Position = rocket.Position
e.Parent = game.World
link(rocket.Collided, onCollide)
s.Parent = r
r.Parent = game.World
link(script.Parent.MouseDown, onClick)
The part that creates the explosion is:
Quote: local e = create("Explosion")
e.Radius = 7
e.Force = 1000
e.Position = rocket.Position
e.Parent = game.World
The radius is how many units from the center the explosion force will travel; the force is how hard it will push on nearby parts. Explosions remove themselves automatically.
12/1 - Performance Update |
Posted by: Jacob__mybb_import1 - 12-02-2010, 01:54 AM - Forum: News
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- Various performance improvements
- Asset loading works better, and there is a progress bar at the bottom left corner of the screen when the game is downloading resources (textures or sounds)
You should now notice less CPU usage and lag in worlds with a lot of objects
The game can still get a bit slow when you have a really large number of parts, I'm still working on it.
11/29/10 - Long overdue update |
Posted by: Jacob__mybb_import1 - 11-30-2010, 01:49 AM - Forum: News
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I'm still working on this! I plan to add new features to the game over the next few weeks to make the editor more user friendly.
This update contains:
-Move to Front and Move to Back options under the Arrange menu. This gives you finer control over drawing order than using the 3 layers.
-Selecting/dragging overlapping objects is less buggy.
-There is now a grid that you can show and use to align objects, use the 2 buttons on the far right side of the toolbar.
-Hold shift while rotating an object to constrain the angle
-Use the button on the far right side of the toolbar to activate "draw over" mode--this will let you draw parts over other parts without selecting anything.
-View menu:
-Reset Camera option that resets the camera to the default position and zoom
-You can hide the script console
-Particle systems! Insert them into a part using the object list, then play with the settings. You can get different effects like fire, snow, smoke, and so on.
Once I get some more stuff done I'm going to make a game with this. For now. it would be great if some of you guys could try making something just so I can see if anything needs to be fixed.